Open Office

This article from Fast Company is now almost a year old. But it’s as true at the beginning of 2020 as it was at the beginning of 2019:  Employees hate Open Offices. Research proves they’re ineffective. So why are they still around?

I won’t bore you with the long answer. To get that, you can read the full article. But the short answer is “Google.”  As in, “All the cool kids are doing it, so we better do it too.” Is this any way to run an airline? You bet it is…  NOT!

I’m going to assume that no one reading this post works at Google. But I’m also guessing that some of you know whereof I speak. Hey, I work in an Open Office.  Maybe you do too.  If so, how do you like it?

But before you answer that, rest assured: None of your answers will get back to your boss. If there’s some kind of consensus, I’ll report back with aggregate impressions only, nothing personal, I promise. Have I ever led you astray?




(y/n) I currently work in one.

(y/n) I don’t currently work in one but I did in the past.

(y/n) I never worked in one, but I do have an opinion on the subject.


If you answered “No” to all of the above, stop right here. Go outside.  Take a hike. Hit the beach. Hell, go golfing for all I care. But in any case, you have nothing to contribute to this discussion. The rest of you, please continue on.


The thing I like best about an Open office is:  ____________.

The thing I like least about an Open Office is:  ____________.

On balance, I prefer working in:

A) An Open Office

B) My Own Private Space

C) I’m a Malibu lifeguard with no earthly idea what you’re talking about.


Open Office - Malibu Lifeguard Edition

Open Office – Malibu Lifeguard Edition.




C’mon. Play along. What have you got to lose?

Well, besides the maddening decibel level of an Open Office that is.

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