The Game Has Changed

There are rumblings of war from the Middle East after a U.S. drone strike killed a top Iranian General at the Baghdad airport this week. “The game has changed,” said Defense Secretary Mark Esper.  The NYTimes Editorial Board even used that quote as the title of its commentary on the subject.  If you are so inclined, you can read it in full, here.

But this is America, and we are sports fans first and foremost. This being Wild Card weekend in the NFL, I’ll be watching alongside a lot of other die-hard football fans who don’t have a home-town dog in this fight – fans in Chicago, Dallas, L.A., Denver, and New York just to name a few.  But to honor the occasion, here are a couple of pro football coaching stories – one current, one from exactly 20 years ago. Yeah, maybe “The game has changed” when it comes to diplomacy – or should I say, lack thereof?   But when it comes to NFL coaching intrigue, some things never change.  So, let the games begin. And while you’re enjoying the spectacle, don’t forget to take a moment at halftime to pray for peace in the Middle East.  Just sayin’.




From today’s DP sports pages comes this story about the uncertain fate of the coach in Dallas after another disappointing season:  “Jason Garrett Still Coach of Cowboys as Jerry Jones Stays Silent.”  My comment on that story is this:


But hey, over the past 25 years in the NFC East, the Cowboys sure have made Eagles fans (1 Championship) and Giants fans (2 Championships) happy – eh, Jerry? Plus, let’s not forget about that nice new stadium: I guess there are some things money CAN buy? But good luck to Jason Garrett where ever he lands, even if it’s right back in Arlington. Or should I say, “especially if it’s right back in Arlington?” Yep. That would be about right.




From comes this piece, titled “Inside Bill Belichick’s Resignation as the Jets’ Coach 20 Years Ago.”  You don’t even have to be a Patriots-hater – or a long-suffering Jets-fan – to enjoy the action chronicled by those who were there at the time and saw it all first-hand. A truly fascinating look at a tumultuous episode from the annals of NFL coaching (and NFL ownership) that reshaped the landscape of the AFC East for decades thereafter. Plus, say what you will about Deflate-gate and all the rest that has come since, ya just gotta love that Belichick deadpan delivery:  Still the same today as it was back in the late 90’s. “Um… My heart’s just not in it… Plus, I got a shuttle to catch… See you guys in Foxboro…” <mic-drop>.


The Game Has Changed, Bill Belichick Has Not.
Bill Belichick was so efficient that his introductory news conference with the Jets was also his farewell.

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