Sarah Cooper is a National Treasure

Apologies to radostdg for stealing his Twitter tagline, but she really is:  Sarah Cooper is a National Treasure. You can see her lip-syncing one of DJT’s greatest hits here.  I stumbled across this recently when I googled “How to testing.”  <Be sure to listen to this longer one for full effect.>

Also apologies to my better half for revealing sensitive medical information, but we both tested negative for COVID-19 antibodies when we donated blood at Vitalant recently. What this means is that neither of us have had the virus in the past 2 months, nothing more. Well, that and also that we do nothing at this point to contribute to herd immunity.  Sorry folks.

<All I gotta say is, stay tuned for my tell-all memoir, “How I lost 30 lbs without any changes in diet or exercise,” coming soon to an independent bookseller near you. Disclaimer: Not gonna be available on Amazon.  Sorry, Jeff Bezos.>

As for political battles of the culture wars, and all the finer nuances of more tests versus less tests, I leave it to better statistical minds than mine to resolve.  One thing, though: That Sarah Cooper? She is….




Sarah Cooper is a National Treasure
Sarah Cooper: National Treasure


This amazing young woman, really very talented, and she makes videos, you know, that people can watch, so they can see the things that she does, and they like it, they are all over her, and she gets the best comments, she always gets good comments, the comments are just wonderful, they are all full of good things, and everybody knows how great she is, it’s just amazing to see, you know, when someone does a wonderful thing like that, and people really appreciate it, and that, that is important stuff for everybody, so i think we should all keep doing that. Thank you.


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