Public Service Announcement

Every once in a while, purely as a public service, I like to do a  post on passwords.  Not because it’s critical to national security. Not for partisan political purposes. And surely not because any of you are at risk of being hacked:  Nooooooo. Maybe it’s just the geek in me. But any article from Scientific American that contains obscure mathematical formulas and refers to “Moore’s Law” just tickles my fancy.  So, click the link here to read the article in full (not recommended). Or, read on for the condensed version <still pretty long, but it might keep your head from exploding>.

“The Mathematics of (Hacking) Passwords”


At one time or another, we’ve all been frustrated by trying to set a password, only to have it rejected as too weak. We are also told to change our choices regularly. Obviously such measures add safety, but how exactly?

<Here’s> the mathematical rationale for some standard advice, including clarifying why six characters are not enough for a good password and why you should never use only lowercase letters. I will also explain how hackers can uncover passwords even when stolen data sets lack them.




Here’s the logic behind setting hack-resistant passwords: When you are asked to create a password of a certain length and combination of elements, your choice will fit into the realm of all unique options that conform to that rule — into the “space” of possibilities. For example, if you were told to use six lowercase letters—such as, afzjxd, auntie, secret, wwwwww — the space would contain 266, or 308,915,776, possibilities. In other words, there are 26 possible choices for the first letter, 26 possible choices for the second, and so forth. These choices are independent: you do not have to use different letters, so the size of the password space is the product of the possibilities, or 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 = 266.

If you are told to select a 12-character password that can include uppercase and lowercase letters, the 10 digits and 10 symbols (say, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, ?, / and +), you would have 72 possibilities for each of the 12 characters of the password. The size of the possibility space would then be 7212 (19,408,409,961,765,342,806,016, or close to 19 x 1021).

That is more than 62 trillion times the size of the first space. A computer running through all the possibilities for your 12-character password one by one would take 62 trillion times longer. If your computer spent a second visiting the six-character space, it would have to devote two million years to examining each of the passwords in the 12-character space. The multitude of possibilities makes it impractical for a hacker to carry out a plan of attack that might have been feasible for the six-character space….


“Moore’s law.”


Moore’s law says that the computer-processing power available at a certain price doubles roughly every two years and it explains why a relatively weak password will not suffice for long-term use.  Over time computers using brute force can find passwords faster. Although the pace of Moore’s law appears to be decreasing, it is wise to take it into account for passwords that you hope will remain secure for a long time.

For a truly strong password, you would need, say, a sequence of 16 characters, each taken from a set of 200 characters. This would make a 123-bit space, which would render the password close to impossible to memorize. Therefore, system designers are generally less demanding and accept low- or medium-strength passwords. They insist on long ones only when the passwords are automatically generated by the system, and users do not have to remember them.

There are other ways to guard against password cracking. The simplest is well known and used by credit cards: after three unsuccessful attempts, access is blocked. Alternative ideas have also been suggested, such as doubling the waiting time after each successive failed attempt but allowing the system to reset after a long period, such as 24 hours. These methods, however, are ineffective when an attacker is able to access the system without being detected or if the system cannot be configured to interrupt and disable failed attempts.


Public Service Announement: #1
Public Service Announcement #1:  Never write your password on your hand!


Weaponizing Dictionaries and Other Hacker Tricks


Quite often an attacker succeeds in obtaining encrypted passwords or password “fingerprints” from a system. If the hack has not been detected, the interloper may have days or even weeks to attempt to derive the actual passwords.

To understand the subtle processes exploited in such cases, take another look at the possibility space. When I spoke earlier of bit size and password space (or entropy), I implicitly assumed that the user consistently chooses passwords at random. But typically the choice is not random: people tend to select a password they can remember (locomotive) rather than an arbitrary string of characters (xdichqewax).

This practice poses a serious problem for security because it makes passwords vulnerable to so-called dictionary attacks. Lists of commonly used passwords have been collected and classified according to how frequently they are used. Attackers attempt to crack passwords by going through these lists systematically. This method works remarkably well because, in the absence of specific constraints, people naturally choose simple words, surnames, first names and short sentences, which considerably limits the possibilities. In other words, the nonrandom selection of passwords essentially reduces possibility space, which decreases the average number of attempts needed to uncover a password.

Below are the first 25 entries in one of these password dictionaries, listed in order, starting with the most common one. (I took the examples from a database of five million passwords that was leaked in 2017 and analyzed by SplashData.)

1. 123456
2. password
3. 12345678
4. qwerty
5. 12345
6. 123456789
7. letmein
8. 1234567
9. football
10. iloveyou
11. admin
12. welcome
13. monkey
14. login
15. abc123
16. starwars
17. 123123
18. dragon
19. passw0rd
20. master
21. hello
22. freedom
23. whatever
24. qazwsx
25. trustno1

If you use “password” or “iloveyou,” you are not as clever as you thought. Of course, lists differ according to the country where they are collected and the Web sites involved; they also vary over time.




For four-digit passwords (for example, the PIN code of SIM cards on smartphones), the results are even less imaginative. In 2013, based on a collection of 3.4 million passwords each containing four digits, the DataGenetics Web site reported that the most commonly used four-digit sequence (representing 11 percent of choices) was 1234, followed by 1111 (6 percent) and 0000 (2 percent). The least-used four-digit password was 8068. Careful, though, this ranking may no longer be true now that the result has been published. The 8068 choice appeared only 25 times among the 3.4-million four-digit sequences in the database, which is much less than the 340 uses that would have occurred if each four-digit combination had been used with the same frequency. The first 20 series of four digits are: 1234; 1111; 0000; 1212; 7777; 1004; 2000; 4444; 2222; 6969; 9999; 3333; 5555; 6666; 1122; 1313; 8888; 4321; 2001; 1010.

Even without a password dictionary, using differences in frequency of letter use (or double letters) in a language makes it possible to plan an effective attack. Some attack methods also take into account that, to facilitate memorization, people may choose passwords that have a certain structure — such as A1=B2=C3, AwX2AwX2 or O0o.lli. — or that are derived by combining several simple strings, such as password123 or johnABC0000. Exploiting such regularities makes it possible to for hackers to speed up detection.


The Take-Home for Consumers


Taking all this into account, properly designed Web sites analyze the passwords proposed at the time of their creation and reject those that would be too easy to recover. It is irritating, but it’s for your own good.

The obvious conclusion for users is that they must choose their passwords randomly. Some software does provide a random password. Be aware, however, that such password-generating software may, deliberately or not, use a poor pseudo-random generator, in which case what it provides may be imperfect.

You can check whether any of your passwords has already been hacked by using a Web tool called Pwned Passwords ( Its database includes more than 500 million passwords obtained after various attacks.

I tried e=mc2e=mc2, which I liked and believed to be secure, and received an unsettling response: “This password has been seen 114 times before.” Additional attempts show that it is difficult to come up with easy-to-memorize passwords that the database does not know. For example, aaaaaa appeared 395,299 times; a1b2c3d4, 113,550 times; abcdcba, 378 times; abczyx, 186 times; acegi, 117 times; clinton, 18,869 times; bush, 3,291 times; obama, 2,391 times; trump, 859 times.

It is still possible to be original. The Web site did not recognize the following six passwords, for example: eyahaled (my name spelled backward); bizzzzard; meaudepace and modeuxpass (two puns on the French for “password”); abcdef2019; passwaurde. Now that I’ve tried them, I wonder if the database will add them when it next updates. In that case, I won’t use them….


Survival of the Fittest


It goes without saying that hackers have their own ways of fighting back. They face a dilemma, though: their simplest options either take a lot of computing power or a lot of memory. Often neither option is viable. There is, however, a compromise approach known as the rainbow table method .

In the age of the Internet, supercomputers and computer networks, the science of password setting and cracking continues to evolve—as does the relentless struggle between those who strive to protect passwords and those who are determined to steal, and potentially abuse, them.


Here endeth the public service announcement.


And that’s just the SHORT version!


Bonus personal content:  Not long ago I received an unsolicited email with a title line containing an old password I’d used years ago on a comcast email account I don’t use much anymore. Still, it was a shock, seeing that password right there in the email’s title line. More shocking was the content, which demanded payment of a specific amount into the enterprising hackers’ bank account, with threat of exposure of all my personal information – including secret habits and predilections – if I didn’t comply.

I’m not sure how they thought I’d believe they could access that last bit just from having cracked an old email password.  But apparently there are enough people walking around with guilty consciences that the bad guys count on a non-zero response rate for their efforts. My own response was to turn on 2-factor authentication for that email account, in which a 6-digit numeric confirmation code is sent to a separate device any time the account is logged into. It’s a pain.  But not as much of a pain as dealing with malicious hackers attempting to extort money by preying on my personal peccadilloes.

So, the takeaways from this little episode for me are two: 1) Moore’s Law is real. And 2) The world is full of idiots looking to make a fast buck. But then, we already knew that.  Right?

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