North of a Dozen

I passed north of a dozen ducks in Waterton Canyon today.

North of a Dozen Ducks North of a Dozen Ducks


Also north of a dozen bighorns.


In Excess of a Dozen Bighorns







It was also a big day for strollers and little kids. There was even a young woman going the opposite direction in a gray tank top that said “Go Take A Hike!” tastefully plastered right across her baby bump. “Nice shirt!” I yelled at her across the road.  “Thanks!” she yelled back, laughing.  I almost never do that. I figure, the less human (or ovine, or avian) contact, the better for all concerned. But today, everybody seemed in such a good mood. Maybe it was the recent rains that broke this August heat spell, I dunno.

But you know the thing that really stood out most today? There were black people on the trail. Not as many black Americans as the police have murdered over the past couple of months, but still.  It was striking. I walk this route daily – 3 miles most weekdays, 10 miles or more most weekend days –  and rarely are there people of color on the trail. I’m not sure if that says more about the demographics of Colorado, or maybe more about when I choose to walk – early, before it gets too hot out, and there aren’t a lot of people. But in any case, like I said:  Striking.




As you maybe can tell by now, this is not gonna be your garden variety Roxhikes blog post. In fact, it is my aim today to offend as many people as possible. If you’re not offended yet, just read on, you’re sure to be offended eventually. It doesn’t make a difference to me whether you’re Red, Blue, Left, Right, or Center:  I’m gonna get around to rubbing you the wrong way before it’s over. You can count on it. After all, it’s my SuperPower. You been warned.




I’ve been having a number of rather contentious email exchanges with various folks lately.  Part of that may be due to my penchant for reaching across the aisle to engage with others who see things drastically different from me. And part of it may be due to this dang new keyboard I’m trying to get used to…


7-keys, no BS.
Effective @ curtailing debate, ya think?


But whatever the reason, the results have been, well, striking.  For example here are some excerpts from actual emails I’ve received lately. Please don’t be shocked or offended – there will be plenty of time to get around to that later. For now, just try to keep an open mind and see how people actually think and talk, at least in my little corner of the world/Internet.


I don’t cry on my knees in the streets because I don’t want to work. I’m not “fortunate” enough to reap welfare, unemployment, food stamps and any and everything else the Dims promote they can give me. I prefer to try and have a good life on my own without government interference and preferably without the idiocy of the BLM and other ugly communist movements where you have to wear black and keep your face covered so the cameras can’t catch a glimpse of my face as I thug my way though the streets. I prefer to walk on clean ground and not shit & needle covered streets of homeless drug addicts and murderers. So much for the rest of it, because I got real work to do here….


Also this:


Sorry, I’ve been triggered.  In my primitive, white privilege mind, BLM = Anarchists.  Could be Fox News or maybe just what they REALLY stand for and support (not the feel good messaging on their website). Save your response.  You, BLM, Nancy and Joe feel this is a tragically flawed nation and things are worse than they’ve ever been.  I don’t.  No sports figure or Hollywood starlet’s tweet is going to change that.  Last time I looked, they are paid to provide entertainment.  Maybe they should get back to that.  I’m going to get back to raising revenue for my company – that’s what I’m paid to do.  That, pay my taxes, act respectfully when pulled over by a police officer, and VOTE…


Last but not least:


You must be confusing me for somebody else. I’m middle of the road politically and always have been. The wonder of it all is that you can still call yourself a Christian and look yourself in the mirror every morning championing this pussy-grabbing race-baiting hate-monger with so much distorted disinformation about what he USED to be like, instead of what he now IS, what he has PROVEN himself to be over the last 4 years. You disgust me – and I mean that in only the best possible way.  Have a nice day, you insufferable false-witness-bearing asshole. And tomorrow, if you’re especially nice to me, I’ll tell you what I REALLY think. Let me be very clear: Stop sending me this kind of unadulterated horse-shit, or I am going to go all Old Testament on your sorry ass….


Oh, wait – that last was one _I_ wrote – Mea Culpa.


In any case, my eldest brother – ever the conciliator – wrote me the following: I suppose it was to try and make me feel better? You be the judge.


Thank God we live in a country where we have the right to be wrong…..and can vote accordingly.  Be it known that your father, a staunch REPUBLICAN, voted Democrat this past election…….he had early onset dementia!!

The only thing I can say in response is that it’s a damnable lie because dad was 95 and I know for a fact he kept all his marbles up until the very end.  Also that he started out by voting for Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression and stuck with the GOP until the day he died. No way would he ever have voted for Hillary – even if he did give that as a middle name to his eldest son – I kid you not. And if you doubt any of it, well… here’s the photographic proof that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…
Look at that matching lip line – niiiiiice, “Hillary!”


What’s the bottom line in all this?  Other than that we need to be careful with our keyboards? Well, whether any of us like it or not, Black Lives do matter. And it’s not only people of one particular party who perform useful earthly functions for their companies, and willingly pay taxes to their governments. Also, in spite of the gloom and doom of certain recent virtual conventions – AHEM! – there’s this bit of wisdom that I believe endures:
“Wow, for a lawless hellscape that Joe Biden is somehow responsible for, it seems like a nice day!”


Have a good one, y’all… and God Bless America!

Oh, wait. It just occurred to me… 


There are a few other groups I need to offend before I close.


The Lovely Ladies of MAGA. All four of them!


There… done!
Not north of a dozen, but it’ll have to do.   🙂

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