A Few Policy Updates for the New Year

For faithful readers of this blog, I just wanted to announce a few policy updates for the new year. One is, if you thought you could subsist on cartoons alone, think again. I’m leaning toward longer, more contemplative pieces this year. This epiphany came to me during my 10-mile hike yesterday across the mountain and down the canyon – it’s the second Sunday in a row I’ve done this route, btw.  Why not write down things that occur to me in the quiet and the cold when there are few others on the trail to interrupt my train of thought? Why not give the world the benefit of such wisdom and insight? So, in any case, that’s what I’m gonna do. If you read it, fine. If you don’t, fine again – but it’ll be your loss.

The second new twist for the new year is this: I’m now allowing political commentary, for myself and others, here in these pages. I don’t need to spell out why – you can probably figure that out for yourself. Bottom line, though: Feel free to comment, political or otherwise, without regard to previous strictures on banned content.  <Gerald, I might not be able publish your pictures of scantily clad women, but that’s only to maintain this site’s family friendly G-rating. It’s the price we have to pay – sorry.>

With all that being said, here’s a sample of what I have in mind. The first should appeal to LOTR fans. The second is for anyone who’s not bat-shit crazy – but I digress.  In any event, please enjoy if you’re able. Gotta love light and darkness.


A Few Policy Updates For the New Year - Gandalf




What the heck, Gerald, you win. Welcome to 2021 and the wild west!


A Few Updates - Ivanka


Four years of freedom from darkness is fine by me.

But we’ll miss the lingerie shots of Ivanka.

With every silver lining a cloud I guess.

Hey, 2024 will be here before you know it!