Barry Blitt – An Absolute Genius

The Super Bowl is coming up this Sunday. I say that because, without the usual watch-party gatherings this year, you may not have taken note. Also because – well let’s face it – many of the big name advertisers are sitting this one out. That’s because the networks can’t guarantee the usual number of eyeballs. So, in the absence of a gargantuan TV audience, the commercials’ price tag makes many advertisers balk. Frankly, regardless of whether you’ve soured on the NFL because of concussions or BLM, the real reason most of us watch this show is the commercials. Also, regardless of whether you think Tom Brady is a cheater or an all-around great guy, the fact remains: At age 42**(see comments), he’s an ageless wonder. 

Which brings us to Barry Blitt, the NYer cartoonist whose age is unknown to me – but he is definitely an absolute genius. And if you have any doubts on that score, see below (or here) for a sample of his work.  For the record, Blitt won a Pulitzer in 2020 for his cartooning.  That means, only nine more and he’ll have as many Pulitzers as Tom Brady has Super Bowls – just sayin’.

Barry Blitt Is An Absolute Genius - Brady

Barry Blitt Is An Absolute Genius - Fauci

“Snow Country For Old Men” by Barry Blitt: Absolute Genius.




So, enjoy the cartoons and enjoy the game.

Even if you won’t be able to enjoy the latest from Bud Lite.


Message From Inside The Rancid Bubble

Alright, I admit it. I’m enjoying this more than any one person has a right to. What’s that, I hear you ask? Well, there are two big brouhahas brewing inside the House GOP caucus right now. One has to do with freshman  Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of South Carolina. The other involves House Republican Conference chair, Liz Cheney of Wyoming. In the first case, there’s pressure from many to remove Greene from her committee appointments (Budget and Education) because of her loony views (those are not my words – ask Mitch McConnell) on everything from the Parkland School Shooting (it’s a hoax, she says) to Jewish Space Lasers (don’t even ask).

But as juicy as all that sounds, I’m gonna start with the Liz Cheney story. Consider the following back and forth between Cheney and her fellow-GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida. They are joined in tag-team by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, and a disaffected GOP group called The Lincoln Project. (I’ve written of them before.  You can read all about it, here.)  Folks, this one is so outlandish, I’m just gonna have to quote from the news coverage, otherwise you’ll think I’m making it all up. Honest, I’m not.




The Lincoln Project on Wednesday denied coordinating with Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) as she plays defense after voting to impeach then-President Trump, but defended her against attacks from Trump allies such as Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who held an anti-Cheney rally last week in her home state of Wyoming.

“The Lincoln Project has had no interaction with Congresswoman Cheney,” the “never Trump” GOP super PAC said in a statement.  “That said, we think she’d take Matt Gaetz in a fight with one hand tied behind her back.”

The organization issued the statement in response to what it said were “rumor[s] circulating” about coordination with Cheney, the highest-ranking House Republican to vote in favor of Trump’s impeachment in January.

“This is yet another baseless lie being spread by the Jim Crow Caucus and its leader [House Minority Leader] Kevin McCarthy [R-Calif.], a man who lives inside a rancid bubble of conspiracy, fantasy, and desperation,” the group said.




That brings us to our second story. But not before I feel compelled to make the following comment:  This stuff is better than WWE’s Friday Night Smackdown!  OK, where was I? Oh, yeah…


The story goes on.


“It’s telling that Republican leadership spends more time focusing on an imaginary alliance than it does exposing and condemning the QAnon conspiracies being spread by members of their own caucus,” the statement added, an apparent reference to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).

In addition to promoting the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory, Greene has backed claims that multiple school shootings and the Sept. 11 attacks were staged, and she has repeatedly supported Trump’s unfounded allegations that the 2020 election was rigged.


More on Ms. Greene, here.


Got all that? Whew, this whole thing makes me feel a little bit dizzy – but also a little bit delighted too. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

In closing, I’ll give you a direct quote from a guy who was the chair of the Colorado Committee to Elect Donald Trump in 2016. He has spent the past four years helping dismantle environmental regulations from inside the EPA, so his bona fides are without question. What does he say about all this?


Yup. We are definitely in civil war territory in the GOP.


And folks, whether you’re inside the rancid bubble or out, remember:

You heard it here first.


Parting Shot


From whichever side of the aisle, whenever you feel overwhelmed by the sorry state of the world these days, maybe all you really need is a hug?


Need a hug: Antidote to the Rancid Bubble
Yup. Works for me. Rancid bubble or not.