Anil Got Married

Earlier this year my friend Anil got married. It was a traditional wedding for his part of the world. The thing that struck me most was the vivid color. Well, that and his cool hat, I guess.

Anil Got Married - Jyo Anil Got Married To Jyo Anil Got Married Anil Got Married to Jyo Anil Got Married to Jyo

Even taking into account advances in photography over the past 40 or 80 years, our weddings are lackluster by comparison. Also, my mom may have had a cool hat – with a feather! – but I did not. It would not be much later before wearing a hat would become a necessity for me. But that’s another story for another day.




In any case, congrats to Anil and Jyo, who now live in Atlanta and work for … Merrill Lynch? Bear Stearns?  Goldman Sachs? Morgan Stanley? One of those. Any way you slice it, we’ve come a long way since the carefree KDCF days of 2016.


Back before Anil got married, we took turns taking care of Kansas’ kids at KDCF in Topeka.

Ah, Topeka! Ah YMCA! Ah, Ichabod Washburn!

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