How Much Love Does $44 Billion Buy?

Big business news – and quote of the day – from Elon Musk, whose much-anticipated $44 billion deal to buy Twitter finally went through yesterday. His first action from the catbird seat was to fire all of the company’s top executives, which always wins MY approval – ahem. Oh, and the quote? Ah, yes, here it is, excerpted from the full story, here.


“Twitter obviously cannot become a free-for-all hell-scape where anything can be said with no consequences,” Musk tweeted Thursday. Later he tweeted, “The bird is freed,” calling himself “The Chief Twit.”


One thing you gotta admit, the man has a certain flair.


Musk has often said he’d re-instate the account of banned former POTUS Donald Trump once the Twitter deal was consummated. But 45 was apparently having none of it, saying that while he was happy with the change in ownership, he’d be declining Musk’s offer. In so doing, Trump effectively gave “The Chief Twit” The Big Bird by saying he’d prefer to stay exclusively on his own inaptly named “Truth Social.”

So, I guess that answers the burning question, “How Much Love Does $44 Billion Buy?” The answer, of course, is “Not Nearly Enough.” And if you doubt that, just ask those fired Twitter execs  now contributing to the nation’s unemployment numbers.


A $44 Billion Dollar Bird
A $44 billion bird. Sorry, Elon: The Donald declines.



Next up on the hot seat, embattled Bronco’s HC Nathaniel Hackett as his under-performing (2-5) Denver team prepares for their upcoming American football battle in London’s Wembley Stadium.  But that’s another story for another day.


Speaking of shocking stories from the sports world, this just in:

See the latest on the Brady-Bündchen bust-up, here.

And you can say you heard it here first, folks.

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