Comeback Quotes

Ever been in a tight spot and later wished you’d come up with a snappy retort? Well, read and learn: Here are some of the best ever. Match the comeback quotes below with the corresponding context in which they occurred. Maybe you’ll win valuable prizes – or maybe not. But either way, prepare yourself for next time you’re in a tight spot. After all, practice makes perfect.




  1. “I’ve been called worse things by better men.”
  2. “I think it would be a good idea.”
  3. “No, it’s purely voluntary.”
  4. “Every time I read Pride and Prejudice I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone.”
  5. “I’m too [effing] busy….and vice versa.”
  6. “About half.”
  7. “That will depend, my lord, on whether I embrace your principles or your mistress.”
  8. “I don’t know if I can autograph it, but perhaps I can initial it.”
  9. “That’s got every fire hydrant in America worried.”
  10. “Darling, I’m so glad that you liked it. Who read it to you?”
  11. “I’m all for it.”
  12. “Each of us fights for what he lacks most.”
  13. “Impossible to come first night. Will come to 2nd night if you have one.”
  14. “I’ll take a drug test if you’ll take an IQ test.”
  15. “No, I look at the Senate and pray for the country.”
  16. “That’s wonderful. And what did you do with the money?”
  17. “All right then, get me a battleship.”
  18. “Then you have a great deal to be thankful for.”
  19. “Did the training wheels fall off?”
  20. “If he became convinced Tuesday that coming out for cannibalism would get him the votes he needs, he’d begin fattening a missionary in the White House yard on Wednesday.”


Below is context for each of the comeback quotes above.


  1. Pierre Trudeau when told Dick Nixon had called him “an a**hole.”
  2. Mahatma Gandhi when asked what he thought of Western Civilization.
  3. Winston Churchill when asked by a rival member of Parliment “Must you always fall asleep while I’m speaking?”
  4. Mark Twain when asked to critique a Jane Austen novel.
  5. Dorothy Parker arriving late to meet with her editor after her honeymoon.
  6. Pope John XXIII when asked how many people work at the Vatican.
  7. Englishman John Wilkes in response to a rival who said “Sir, I do not know whether you will die on the gallows or of the pox.”
  8. Truman Capote in response to a papparazzo who whipped out his privates and asked “Why don’t you autograph this?”
  9. Bill Clinton upon hearing Dan Quayle’s boast during the 1992 debates that he’d “be a pit bull against our opponents.”
  10.  Author Ilka Chase in response to a literary critic who said “I enjoyed reading your book. Who wrote it for you?”
  11. Calvin Coolidge’s response to a reporter who asked after an opera performance what he thought of the singer’s ‘execution.’
  12. French privateer Robert Surcouf replying to an Englishman’s taunt that “You fight for money while we fight for honor.”
  13. Winston Churchill’s reply to an invitation from George Bernard Shaw to see a play: “Come and bring a friend if you have one.”
  14. Senator Fritz Hollings responding to a fellow-Senator’s challenge to be drug tested.
  15. Clergyman Edward Everett Hale’s response when asked if he prayed for the Senate.
  16. Actress Miriam Hopkins’ response to a singer’s brag that her voice was insured for $50k.
  17. Robert Benchley asking for a taxi, but mistaking an admiral for a bellman in his apartment building lobby.
  18. SCOTUS justice Melville Fuller responding to a tirade against education by a clergyman, this after the man admitted he was “thanking God for his ignorance.”
  19. John Kerry after being told that Dubya had suffered a bike accident during the 2004 presidential campaign.
  20. Notorious FDR critic H.L. Mencken during one of POTUS 32’s many re-election bids.


Comeback Quotes - FDR.
“There’s nothing to fear but fear itself.” That and wicked comeback quotes from H. L. Mencken.

One Reply to “Comeback Quotes”

  1. “I’m too [effing] busy….and vice versa.”

    That’s got every fire hydrant in America worried.”

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