Stock Photos

On today’s hike, I forgot my phone. Therefore, all images here are stock photos. Each of them was triggered by actual things I saw on the trail today, but none of the photos are mine. So sue me.

First up is a raptor that screamed at me walking by. Since red-tailed hawks are much better-mannered than that, I’m guessing this was a screaming eagle.

Stock photo of a screaming eagle.
A Bald Eagle screams that we may be too close to her nest:  ‘Tis the season.


Next up were a pair of border collies being walked by a single hooman.

Cute pups, eh?


And a pair of female horseback riders I’d seen before on this trail.

Matched pair of horses and riders.


Last but not least, one very large horned owl, blinking and swivel-necked, looking sternly perturbed from their perch in a cottonwood.


I also saw a few mountain bikers, but we don’t need to encourage them with any stock photos. Just imagine some spandex-clad fitness-freak shouting “On your left!” from 3′ behind you as they zoom past and you’ll get the picture.




Extra credit if you can name the trail using only my descriptions along with these stock photos. If the suspense is killing you, click the link, here.

Yer welcome.

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