
Today’s down-and-back hike along the crest of Chatfield Dam was utterly unremarkable except for the following.

  1. My better half accompanied me. That’s always cause for celebration.
  2. Fishing and boating season is in full swing, so the scene on the water was definitely hopping. There was even one brave water-skier. Brrrr!
  3. We witnessed an aerial duel between a few raptors and some pelicans. The raptors – probably red-tailed hawks – did not seem to appreciate lumbering water-fowl invading their airspace. The bigger birds were quickly dispatched.
  4. We were passed by a peleton of spandex-clad bikers who seemed in a hurry for some reason. Relax, guys! It’s not a race! (Well, maybe for them it was.)


Unremarkable shot from the crest of Chatfield Dam.
OK, maybe I was wrong: Some days even an unremarkable hike deserves a few remarks.


It’s already the 26th in Timor-Leste, so Happy 33rd to RGW.

Miss you, girl!

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