Uplifting Rocks

On Saturday the Rox neighborhood trails group worked on the Uplifting Rocks Trail. The trail itself runs along the base of the red rock cliffs. It’s 100% shaded by trees, some of which broke down under the weight of last winter’s snow. Hence the need for our efforts last Saturday.


Uplifting Rock Trail in Roxborough.
Rocks uplifted by Nature millions of years ago. We trail workers had to lift up the deadwood.


There were eight of us: Two with chain saws, the rest grunt laborers dragging brush out to where neighborhood maintenance crews can get to it for chip and haul. Looks like we also have a bit of erosion mitigation to do on the trail there. Ah well. One thing at a time, folks: Uplifting Rocks weren’t built in a day, y’know.


One of several slash piles from the Uplifting Rocks trail, ready for chip and haul.
Young buck so tame I could almost touch him.


If you’re in the neighborhood this summer – first Saturday of each month – come on out and lift up some deadwood with us. If you’re lucky and brave, you might even get to pet some wildlife too. (JK – Trail Rule #1: Never touch the wildlife!)

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