Chapter Five

Murder Mystery (untitled) – Chapter Five.


Dear Ms. LeBeau,

We came across your Pet Psychic Service advert on the Internet. We are hoping you can help us with our Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog. “Bear” is 10 years old. As I’m sure you’re aware, that’s near the end of the line for most dogs this size (150 lbs.). He used to be much more active than he is today. But, of course, who among us hasn’t slowed down a bit with age. Right? The thing that’s more concerning to us is… well – it’s hard to say this without sounding a bit loony – it’s his anxiety level.

I know there are those who’d say “A dog is just a dog and you’re projecting your own feelings onto him.” And we get it, we really do. But we were hoping, because of your past work with Animal Communication, you might take this request for help seriously.

What in the world is Bear worried about? He’s no longer the same happy-go-lucky Bear we once knew. He hesitates to come outside when we take down his leash from the peg by the front door. He sniffs at his food like it must be poisoned or something. We can remember when he’d stick his nose in our laps when we were trying to have supper, begging for more food. No longer.

Something is seriously wrong with Bear.

Can you help us? We’re desperate.


Ginger <last name redacted for legal reasons>




Chapter Five - Pet Psychic.
JLB – Pet Psychic Services, Ltd.


Dear Ginger <last name redacted for legal reasons>,

Of course I’ll help you with Bear. Even if it turns out he’s just getting older, at least you’ll know. First off, a couple of questions about you, your home, your current life circumstance, and Bear’s immediate environment.

  1. Any major (or even minor) changes recently? A move, perhaps? A death or disruption in the family? Maybe even something as seemingly mundane as a job or career change? Our pets pick up on these sorts of things.  Even though they can’t tell us directly, they’re still telling us something, or trying to.
  2. Been to the vet lately? Does Bear have a clean bill of health? How about to the groomer? We don’t call them “pets” for nothing, you know. They love to be petted, have a good brushing, get their nails trimmed. Whatever you spend on your own hair and nails, remember this: Your pet has more hair and nails than you ever will, so they deserve at least the same (or more) care.
  3. Where does your pet sleep? On a crate by the front door? At the foot of your bed? Is it noisy or quiet? Hot or cold? Comfortable or not? You’d be amazed the effect sleep disruption has on a pet. When you’re away on a trip and sleep in a hotel, do you come home and say to yourself, “Ugh, I sure hate sleeping in my own bed?” Of course not! Same for pets.

OK, that’s enough to get started. Send me a brief note with your responses to 1-3 above and, if it makes sense, we can schedule an in-person consultation. A rate and fee schedule is attached. Looking forward to your reply.

All the best to you. And to Bear.


Jacqui LeBeau, JLB Pet Psychic Services Ltd.




Dear Ms. LeBeau,

Oh, thank you so much for agreeing to help with Bear. It means the world to us.

To answer your quesitons:

  1. We haven’t moved.  No family or job changes recently. Nobody died. Well, a neighbor a few doors down went missing a couple of weeks ago and the police are investigating. But we can’t imagine that’s what’s bugging Bear.
  2. The vet says Bear’s in pretty good shape for a dog his age. We did change groomers recently. A minor issue with @YourLuxuryPetExperience resulted in our switching over to @ADog’sWorld. I know it’s slightly less personalized attention than our old groomer. But Bear still seems to enjoy going. Do you think this could be what’s putting him off his feed?
  3. Bear sleeps on a mattress in the living room, same as always. In fact, sleeping is the one thing he’s never had any problem with.

Bear came to us as a puppy. He was a rescue dog. When he first arrived, he was highly anxious. But that’s been a long time ago now, and he’s been fine until recently. We’re hoping you’ll agree to see Bear in person. Your fees seem reasonable. And you sound like you care, and know what you’re doing. There isn’t much we wouldn’t do for Bear.

Thanks again,

Ginger <last name redacted>




Dear Ginger <last redacted>,

Bring Bear by my office a week from Tuesday and we can get to know each other a little better. Arrive by 2PM and bring along a few of his favorite treats. There’s no reward like the tried and true.


JLB Pet Psychic Services Ltd.

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