Book Jacket

Just need your help picking which of these pics to use on the book jacket to go along with the author bio below.


Happy Place - Rox. Book Jacket?
In my RoxHikes happy place.
Very red roots, Easter Sunday, 1961.


Abstract – Carved walking stick.
Even more abstract – MeowWolf.
Book Jacket - grad.
Still red, but now as a HS grad.


So very studious, grade six.
The Traditionalist Episcopalian.
Book Jacket - MacLeod too.
McLeod tool for trail building.


Bald is beautiful.

Author bio for book jacket.


This is a first novel for Elliott Daniels, MD. After being Editor-in-Chief of “Wild Onions,” a literary magazine of the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, he had a very brief career at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute, followed by a very spectacular flame-out from medicine in general and psychiatry in particular. He then embarked on a lifelong odyssey of self-discovery that included stints as an LAX shuttle driver, a factory worker in South Central LA, and doing mainframe computer programming for various commercial and government clients in six different states across five different decades.

Being a first-time novelist, the author has not yet won an Edgar®, Macavity, or PEN/Faulkner Award. But he remains hopeful. He is happily married to AVW, a textile artist and long-time educator who specializes in catering to the needs of gifted-and-talented neuro-divergent students on the autism spectrum. The couple makes their home near Roxborough State Park in Colorado, where the author is not deceased, preferring instead to hike and do CPW trail maintenance. They have no pets. You can follow the author’s ongoing exploits where his untamed sense of snark is still alive and well. Thank goodness.

4 Replies to “Book Jacket”

  1. I think you should mention your very important GRAND-pet, Iodine. And the roxhikes photo is the most representative but the grade 6 has a certain something.

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