What’s the best thing ever about finally coming home after a 5000-mile road trip, the main point of which was to get your overseas daughter’s car smog checked at a self-service kisosk in DC?
A. Sleeping in your own bed with your own pillow.
B. No need for an early morning Internet search for “Starbucks closest to me.”
C. Not wondering what the desk clerk speaking Hindi on his cell phone is saying.
D. From mommydrinkswineandswears on Insta:
Therapist: so what actions did you take this week to help release dopamine in your brain?
Me: i shared a bunch of memes on the internet so i could feel validated.
Therapist: *sprays me with water bottle*
Yep. That’s the one. Best Thing Ever.
Also this.
If you missed the rest of our trip, you can catch up here, here, and here. And now, let me just say this:
I feel so, so, so…. validated!
You CAN do great things!! Now…go get the hearing aids adjusted!!!
Sorry @JuliePT93, I can’t hear a word you’re saying. Could you please speak up a bit?