Blucifer and More

Some days you just happen to stumble on something new. Today was one of those days for me, and the sun’s not even up here yet.  On my FB feed I saw the following shot of Blucifer the blue mustang statue who stands outside DIA. Following the link to the DIA website, here, I found a whole lot of striking photos. I don’t know who does marketing for the airport in Denver, but whoever it is, they’re doing a great job. Hope you enjoy these as much as I did.


Blucifer has a storied history. Read it, here.
Blucifer and more: Sunrise, sunset.
Sunrise (or maybe sunset?) on the tarmac.
It may look like AI, but this is how DIA appears on approach.
This actually is AI or photoshop or something. But as Olympic tributes go, it’s A-OK by me.
“Concerts on the Fly” is almost as good of a promo as the ice skating rink in winter.
Front row seats for the best show in town, it being between seasons for other sports, and the Rockies being well nigh unwatchable.

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