Chapter Ninety-Three

Bear the Great – Chapter Ninety-Three.

<Need a replacement for Chapter Ninety-Two.>

Please pick one:


  1. Retired Lutheran Decaf Clergy – A Meditation on Graceful Aging.
  2. Slapneck Creek, Michigan U.P. – Hiking with My Favorite Bugs.
  3. Why I Hate the Olympics, Big Pharma, & Organized Religion.
  4. Better Blogging for the Hearing Impaired – An Object Lesson.
  5. Flashback to the Summer of ’74 – A Roe v. Wade Story.
  6. Fall of the House of Guernsey & Rise of Kinderhof Meats.
  7. – Guns, Ammo & the Fight for the Soul of a Nation in America’s Heartland.
Chapter Ninety-Three
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Guernsey cows on Kinderhof farm.
Aedes canadensis on Slapneck Creek.


Somebody’s gonna get PO’ed. Only question is: Who?



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