Motorcycle Aficionado and More

Motorcycle aficionado.

Motorcycle aficionado.

Motorcycle Aficionado heaven near Devil's Head.
Devil’s Head.


The rock formation known as Devil’s Head is located on Rampart Range Road, 7 miles south of Hwy 67.




The scantily clad motorcycle aficionado is just a figment of my imagination, though there are at least 50 miles of dirt bike trails on Rampart Range Road between Sedalia and Woodland Park. Here just past the autumnal equinox, this particular stretch is enticing, but it will become impassable and the gate will be closed once the snow flies. So probably best to get out there and kick up some dust before the weather turns colder. Word to the wise.

Whether or not you’re an ardent devotee of dirt bikes, or maybe you just like picking apples, there is much to love about autumn. See below for the NYer cartoon version of this lovely season, which – for my money – is the most wonderful time of the year, bar none.


Happy fall, y’all.


I love to pick apples, by which I mean that I insist on fondling every single Granny Smith apple in the grocery store, inspecting each for any impurity, before making my selection. The French do not approve of this behavior (they make you wear gloves!), but that’s probably why Paris is commonly, and disparagingly, referred to as the Little Apple, while we here in New York live in, and do the bidding of, the mysterious, powerful entity that is Big Apple. Do not betray him with Big Banana; he will know. But enough of that — you came here to laugh at jokes about the type of apple-picking that happens in the countryside, wherein city slickers and weekend warriors pay money to labor in the fields. Late-stage capitalism, you rascal, just when we think we’ve got you figured out, you goof us! For meta-goofs about hand-harvesting fruit as a hobby, please consult these cartoons.

—Emma Allen, NYer Cartoon Editor


“Well, he’s out for the season.”


“Here it is! No, that’s an apple again.”


“Maybe next time we can go mine our own salt?”





If you missed it, see a previous apple-picking post, here.

More NYer apple cartoons are here.




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