
It’s been far too long since we’ve had a Word of the Day post.  Even longer since we’ve had any humor around here. But never fear, I’m here to correct both those oversights in a single stroke.  From Merriam Webster’s site, which you can read in full here, comes something called “Humorless Words For The Bodily Humors.” But don’t believe them. It’s a total laugh riot. Honest. Have I ever steered you wrong? Of course not.  Read on. And try to contain yer mirth.




The subtitle is “From The Sanguine To The Downright Choleric.” The ancients, see, believed that human health and personality are controlled by an admixture of fluids, or “humors.”  How did we get from bile, blood, phlegm, and choler to laughter? C’mon now.  You really think I’m gonna make it that easy for you? CLICK THE LINK AND READ THE ARTICLE, YA LAZY BUMS!

But, to give you an incentive, I’m reproducing all the pictures from the site along with a list of the words they represent. It is really the most humorous part of the whole thing. C’mon, this is your chance to shine! Match each picture below with the correct word from the list at the bottom and win an all-expense-paid hiking trip to Malibu…. But bring along plenty of fluids, folks.  And stay well hydrated so you don’t end up like the guy in this story… Yikes!





The “humorous” words: 

Laughter, Splenetic, Sanguine, Bilious, Phlegmatic, Choleric,

Melancholy, Lily-livered, Jaundiced, Complexion, Adust, Carminative

How Do You Know

How do you know you’ve spent enough time in the wilderness?

I mean, how do you really know?


Is it when you think nothing of driving 20 miles down off the mountain to Frazier Park just so you can use Big John’s bathroom facilities?  And, while there, you partake of his Denver Skillet or his BleuCheese burger & fries?


How do you know? - Do it yourself meal.

Or maybe it’s when you finally bite the bullet and buy that $14 gallon of camp stove fuel at Ace Hardware? Just so you can cook your own franks & beans?


How do you know - blue jay feather 2. How do you know - blue jay 2.






Or is it when you can’t decide which posed picture of the blue jay feather looks best?




Maybe it’s when you can’t decide between the sunrise & sunset shots?


How do you know? Car shot.

Is it when you start talking to your car… and the car starts talking back?  Hmm, I’m guessing this old beauty hasn’t seen this much action in many a moon!


Nah. I’ll tell you how you know it’s time to head home.


It’s when you’ve been 4 days in the woods without shave or shower.  And while there’s been no one around to notice, still, you feel just a tad bit over-ripe

It’s when thunder clouds start rolling in over the Coast Range.  And you wonder just how effective that rain fly on your tent really is

It’s when the front desk clerk at the Motel 6 in Lebec offers to brew you up a fresh pot of coffee at 2 o’clock in the afternoon and you take him up on the offer.  And it starts to smell really good.  I mean, instant Nescafe over a camp stove is one thing.  But, c’mon.  Really?




Yep, there’s no doubt about it…

Nothing like a holiday weekend camping trip to clear out cobwebs.

And nothing like a return to civilization to put it all in perspective.