Barbies Invade

Other than the webmaster here at – and maybe an old room mate or two – it’s unlikely most of you will make it to this show. Nevertheless, here’s a shameless promo: Barbies Invade Portland!  On the other hand, The Barbies do get around. So maybe you’ll get to see them at a venue near you.  In any case, check out their cheeky music video, here.


Genghis Barbie – Third Angle New Music Ensemble


This self-styled “post post-feminist feminist all-female horn ensemble” invades Portland with a killer, eclectic program that will include the quartet’s own arrangements of classical gems, pop music, rock ’n’ roll, and alternative contemporary numbers. With an appearance at Carnegie Hall und five studio albums under their collective belts, these musicians have generated lots of attention.  And in keeping with their spontaneous style, they will announce their program from the stage.  7:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Feb. 6-7, Studio 2 @ N.E.W., 810 SE Belmont St.; or 503-331-0301. 


The Barbies Invade Portland!
Our old pal Laura Weiner, AKA “Alpine Barbie,” is 2nd from right.


Genghis Barbie was incepted in a unique moment of ingenuity. That’s when Freedom Barbie, Cosmic Barbie, Velvet Barbie and Attila the Horn converged and vowed to create distinctive, interactive and personal performances.
Balancing individual careers in symphony orchestras plus their busy New York City performing schedule, the ladies of Genghis Barbie have performed at multiple International Horn Society Symposiums, premiered a solo commission at Carnegie Hall, and appeared on America’s Got Talent.
They have released five studio albums, including their self-titled debut album. A holiday album, Genghis Barbie: Home for the Holidays. Genghis Baby: Songs for Noa. A second pop album, Amp it Up!  And the newest of all – classical arrangements, “2 Legit.”
Program note: Genghis Barbie aspires to appear on the Ellen DeGeneres show within one calendar year.


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