Aaron Opens Up

So.  Aaron.  Old buddy.  Old pal.  Opening up is good.

But it’s come to this, has it?


Packers’ QB Aaron Rodgers in action.


First, you win a Super Bowl.


Aaron Opens Up - Super Bowl XLV
Celebrating after Super Bowl XLV.


Then, you get a hot race-car-driving girlfriend.


Aaron and Danica on the red carpet at the Espys.


Suddenly you’re estranged from your family.

You start questioning your faith.

Then, before you know it,

you’ve bought a house.

A $28 million Malibu beach house.

That’s right. You heard me.

Twenty-eight million.


Seaside living at its finest.


So.  What’s left?

Well, there’s always retirement I guess.

Stay tuned for details as they develop.

Oh, and Aaron? Take heart, buddy.

We’re praying for ya.

Aaron Opens Up - on the beach with Danica Patrick.
Aaron Rodgers opens up about religion and life on the Malibu beach.


Well, you and Danica both, I guess.

Couldn’t hurt.

Am I right?

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