YOLO = You Only Live Once.

Yeah, sure, who couldn’t use a little more money for retirement? HAHA! (Hoo boy, that’s a good one.)


Please don’t take this the wrong way. I’m just asking for a friend.

All of these are things people I know have done since they retired.

**** Which do you prefer? ****

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YOLO - horseback.
Buy a horse and go riding? Better toughen up those butt calluses, Beulah.


YOLO - write.
Write a novel?  Sure, as long as you avoid the pitfalls, no problem.
Go for a hike AND write a book? Walk on, friends.
YOLO - drink.
Take up drinking heavily? Umm… Nah, I highly doubt it.
Aim high? All’s I’m sayin’, 3rd place as reality show contestant is a mighty low bar.



Get a kayak and start paddling, sailor!
YOLO - golf.
Move to Mississippi so you can golf cheaper? Better you than me, buddy. Just two words of friendly advice: Avoid. Gators.
Elope with the children’s choir director from church? Ummm… no comment. Nope. Nada.
Woodcutting? Sorry Wilbur Wolf III:   Already been there, already done that.
YOLO - construction.
House construction? Sorry Pops, yours is probably the last one I’m ever gonna build.
Travel the Wild West and pose beside the mighty Truckee River? Howard and Esther, shown here, poised for adventure.
Drive a bus? I already done did it, Gramps.
YOLO - toe sand.
Dig toes in the warm sand? Hmmm: Tempting, very tempting.
Be a 6th-year senior QB at Penn State? Hey, maybe I could walk-on! Waddayasay, KJF?
Big game hunting? Sorry, bro – way too easy!




Visit the Arctic, the Antarctic…. In fact, visit all 7 of the world’s continents? A worthy goal. Goes on the bucket list.
Throw a big blow-out party at a swanky local watering hole, then sail off into the sunset from the Irish coast? Already been Dunn, Diane.
Go mini-RVing? Sorry Danno, but we got a wee bit of claustrophobia over here.
YOLO - 100% solar.
Go 100% solar and travel cross-country? Well, only if you ignore the crash test rating.
Move to The Villages and custom landscape your back yard? Me, I’m hurricane-averse.
YOLO - yoga.
Take up yoga? Seems a bit precarious to me…
…and anyway, all things considered I’d rather walk. Happy trails, folks! Oh, and remember: YOLO.

2 Replies to “YOLO”

  1. Brother-in-law opted for Bella Vista AR specifically for the golf. Not quite as bad as Mississippi, but awful close. Have been spending every business day at the Y in the pool and occasionally chair yoga. Spent a couple of weeks in FL in June. Do not recommend anytime after May through October. Will go in March next year. No novels in my future and not a drinker, so I can scratch those.

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