All Fun Sunday

We begin and end today’s All Fun Sunday with selections from The Far Side. Why? Just because I love Gary Larson. And in between? A little bit of sports, the advantages of having 3 kids, enduring wisdom from Will Rogers, a message to Tom from Giselle, and some crucial advice for your voting in the upcoming midterms.  Enjoy.  Especially The Far Side.


All Fun Sunday - aliens.
This one’s especially for you, Lou.
All Fun Sunday - Kate U.
Gotta love Mr. Kate Upton…. Go Phillies!
Hey Tom, you shoulda just retired.   Love, Giselle.


All Fun Sunday - 3 kids
Hey kids: This one’s for you.


Your voter guide to the midterms.

And Last But Certainly Not Least…


With every (mushroom) cloud? Yup:  A silver lining.


From total earthly annihilation to unlimited fishing….

What more could you ask for on an All Fun Sunday?

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