Gonna Miss You

Bill Walton died yesterday. I didn’t even know he had prostate cancer. He was only 71. There are lots of retrospectives, and plenty of quotes. I leave it to you to find ones that suit you. The one from CBS Sports is here. No Bill Walton story would be complete without at least a mention of his college coach @UCLA, John Wooden. A few of their mutual bon mots spring immediately to mind.




UCLA basketball had a no-facial-hair policy back in the day. When Walton – a notorious free spirit – told Coach Wooden he was going to grow a beard, the coach’s reply was delivered with his trademark wicked deadpan: “Bill, I respect people who stand up for what they believe… and the team is gonna miss you.” Walton waited until going pro with the Portland Trailblazers before growing out that awful red thatch.


Maybe Wooden had a point.


A three-time NCAA POY, Walton in his prime was perhaps the best college basketball player ever. He still holds the NCAA Championship game scoring record for his 44-point performance against Memphis in the 1973 Final. In that game, he shot 21-of-22 from the field. His coach’s post-game comment was classic: “Bill, I used to think you were a good player until you missed that shot.”

Last word goes to Walton himself. Speaking at Wooden’s funeral, regarding their notoriously stormy relationship:  “I’m sorry I drove the poor guy to an early grave when he was 99.”


Gonna miss you, Bill.
Yes Bill, we’re all certainly gonna miss you.



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