Feeding Frenzy

As I came around a curve in the road along the South Platte heading up Waterton Canyon this morning, I happened upon a flock of ewes. There I witnessed a full fledged feeding frenzy. Let me tell you, these girls were hungry. 


Curve in the road with a flock of hungry ewes.
Feeding Frenzy
There’s plenty for everyone, ladies. Chew your salad thoroughly before you swallow.
Feeding Frenzy - salad!
Feeding frenzy on the Waterton Canyon road.


Heading for higher ground after breakfast.

Feeding frenzy - milk, not salad.No, that’s not a 6-legged ewe in the shot above. There’s a lamb which is visible separately in the last pic. This little one was more interested in mom’s milk than garden fresh salad. Go figure.

More bighorns are here.

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