Chapter One-Hundred

Bear the Great – Chapter One-Hundred.

<Offices of JLB, Pet Psychic Services, LTD.>


“So how is Bear doing these days?”

“Much better. He’s still basically the same old fat and lazy Bear he always was. But now he seems to be getting a little less anxious every single day. That’s a good thing, right?”

“It’s great to hear, yes. What d’ya think made the difference?”

“I guess we’re taking him on longer walks now. He comes home after a 3-mile, flops down on his mattress in the living room, and sleeps like a baby. He actually snores, if you can believe it. Seems to be losing a little weight, too. That’s never a bad thing, shedding some flab. For him or for us, right?”

“I agree whole-heartedly.”

“Of course, the State Park next to where we live, they don’t allow any pets. We never could figure out why. Anyway, we have to take him over to the dog park at Chatfield for walks. That seems to be fine by him. Gives him a chance to socialize. It’s never too late to find lost love, y’know?”

“Ha. I guess so.”




“Say, what ever became of your missing neighbor? I never heard the outcome on the news or anything.”

“The case is still unsolved. No new leads. Early on, the police declared our old groomer lady a “person of interest.” But it turns out she had an airtight alibi. Based on forensics’ estimated time-of-death, she was away in another state at a dog show at the time. If you can believe it.

“Wow. Best laid plans of mice and men, eh?”

“Yeah. Anyway, we don’t think Bear’s gonna need any more sessions. Do you? We’re very grateful for all your help.”

“Agreed. See my receptionist on your way out. She’ll draw up a final bill. And you take good care, Bear.”

Bear ignores her. In fact, he’s already headed for the door. Mom has the leash out of her purse. And there were no treats in the offing today anyway. “Humpf.”




The killer sets off in a kayak from shallow water near drowning cottonwoods as the sun is going down over Chatfield Reservoir. The coup de grace will have to wait until much later for pitch dark. There are an awful lot of very dedicated fishermen out on the lake at all hours. You can’t be too careful. So staying close to shore and under cover of trees in the meantime is an absolute must.

The “plunk” of a heavy object cast out into deep water will cause ripples expanding from the point of impact. But so what? At new moon?  At midnight? No one will be there to see it. And even if they do see, what of it? A night-time kayaker in a hoodie, that’s all. Then, the slow paddle back to shore.


Chapter One-Hundred. Deep Water.

Yeah, the hoodie was a stroke of genius.

Thanks for that, by the way.

Couldn’t have done it without you.

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