Cloud Cover

I was surprised at how chilly it was on my Highline Canal walk this morning. Probably because of the cloud cover.


Cloud Cover
Cloud cover on the Highline Canal.


There’s nothing like putting on a favorite old t-shirt and hitting a favorite old trail on a chilly morning. Can you guess how old this one is?



As for wildlife this morning, there was only this.


“Not a sparrow falls….”


I will say that I’ve seen some things lately on the trail I’ve not seen before, including a 6′ rattler down by Plum Creek, and a big old beaver crossing not 5′ in front of me over by the Audubon Ponds. Unfortunately I’m not always so quick on the draw to be able to whip out my phone and capture the moment, so you’ll just have to take my word for it. Go on, use your imagination. I’ll wait.




I hear from those more politically inclined than me that there was a presidential debate this week. Not only did I not watch, I didn’t even turn on my computer while we were away on vacay. But for those of you who care, here’s a commemorative photo, suitable for framing. Yeah, yer welcome.


Horses have got nothing on 45 and 46.

2 Replies to “Cloud Cover”

  1. But do you still have your vintage Waves to Wine (1990-something) t shirt? Mine has a little paint on it and likely a couple rips but proudly worn from time to time as a honorary Team EDSer (who finished the ride both days)

    1. Alas, my glowing red belly stopped fitting inside that W-to-W tee before the new century even turned over. It was only an XL, you see. The Mile High Masters 2002 tee is an XXL, so it still accommodates my HUGE… well, you know.

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