Despicable Me

Did you happen to catch the end of that Lakers-Nuggets playoff game last night? The Nuggets were down by 20 in the second half, but slowly, relentlessly, they came back. A full blow-by-blow LA Times account of the game, complete with sour grapes from Laker coach Darvin Ham and aging superstar LeBron James, is here.  ICYMI:  Jamal Murray was the big Nuggets hero last night winning it on the final shot. But for my money, the Big Guy from  Sombor Serbia, Nikola Jokic, reigns supreme in just about everything he touches, both on and off the court:  Devoted family man. Horse lover.  And spokesmodel for Despicable Me 4, coming soon to a theater near you. See the trailer, here.

Oh, did I forget to mention? He’s an MVPX2 and gets more Triple Doubles than anybody since Oscar Robertson. Plus, he’s the odds-on favorite to win his second NBA title – and 3rd MVP in 4 years – this season. Not half bad for the 41st pick in the 2014 draft, eh?

Consider for instance the hubub over his full-bore funny Gru attire upon arrival at Ball Arena yesterday. No way Joel Embid or Anthony Davis pulls off that look. None. Let’s just hope Zach Edey (7’4″ phenom from Purdue, often criticized for being “dour,” but still a likely lottery pick in the upcoming NBA draft) is taking notes. Because ya just gotta love a Big Man with a wry sense of humor. Also, ya just gotta love the fact that “Joker” (as he is affectionately know to us in Denver) is hands down the best basketball player on the planet right now – not that I’m biased or anything. Well, at least he’s the best since LeBron James started collecting Social Security benefits that is.


Despicable Me - Gru and Joker.
Wry as always, Despicable Me spokesmodel Nikola/Gru reigns supreme.

Tillamook Head

Tillamook Head is just south of Seaside, due west of Portland, on the Oregon coast. Our hike yesterday, here, and by the numbers:  Four miles RT (to the top and back) took us three hours, with over 1000′ of elevation gain. The trail was very steep and hella muddy, with lotsa primeval-looking ferns and ginormous root balls sticking up from fallen old growth trees. I Googled it, and it says some of these Sitka Spruce are over 800 years old. For those of you keeping score at home, that means they were saplings long before Gwyneth Paltrow and Joseph Fiennes made Shakespeare in Love.    😉

All this and some way-overpriced beach-front real estate: Who could ask for anything more? On a cool mid-April Sunday that threatened rain early but turned out sunny, the hike itself was definitely worth the price of admission. Thanks for the tour, Ben. I fear our muddy sneakers will never be the same.


Tillamook Head

Root balls and ferns.
Way overpriced Pacific beachfront properties.
Tillamook Head - Ben.
Ben says “Hi” from Tillamook Head.


Ben doing the “Kate Pose.” I said to him, “Show us your 7′ wingspan for scale.”
Didn’t believe me about “The Pose?” From Kate’s recent UK Lake District tour. There are many others, but you get the picture.


Bonus pic: RGW doing the pose.

Happy 420 Day

Happy 420 Day, y’all! You can Google it if that’s not in your wheelhouse.  I drove up I-5 yesterday and got an appropriate photo at a rest stop just north of Mt. Shasta. The chamber of commerce sells t-shirts that say  “I ❤️ Weed.”


Although Mt. Shasta is roughly the same elevation as Pike’s Peak (14,115′), it’s a whole lot more imposing for a couple of reasons: First, the base and surrounding habitable area is all under 4000′ instead of over 6000′, so it sticks up more. Also, it has 7 full time glaciers, with year round snow on top. Last, it’s an active volcano that last erupted in the late 1700’s. Oh, and also, there’s a 1-in-5 chance of it doing so again in our lifetimes. So if all that doesn’t get your attention, I’m not sure what will.


Ben’s place is near the corner of 207th and Rockport Lane SW.

Happy 420 Day from Beaverton.

It’s in an unicorporated area between Beaverton, Hillsboro, and Aloha.

Happy 420 Day - Aloha!
That’s right, you heard me: Aloha.


The local LDS spire looks pretty much like LDS spires everywhere. I think maybe they keep a warehouse full of spares back in Salt Lake?




Here is the obligatory shot of Portland cherry blossoms, same as all the others here in the springtime. Ho hum.

Joyful Java Coffee is only one block from Ben’s house, but he’s never been there. Why? He doesn’t drink the stuff.  Whiskey, however? Yeah, he’s got that covered.

“Take a stick – Leave a stick.”

Folks in this neighborhood seem to have a pretty good sense of humor, all the way from the dog-walkers to the math teachers. “Why is geometry adorable? It has acute angles.”


Now, switching gears and driving the ten short miles to downtown Portland…

Happy 420 Day - Hard @ Work.
Ben, hard @ work in ABD’s new offices in the Medical & Dental Building downtown.
Pretty good view of Wy’East, the mountain formerly known as “Mt. Hood.” Ho hum.
Brunch is served in the lobby @TheDailyFeast. This is known as “The Full Monty.” I GUESS!
On the (Willamette River) waterfront. But where’s Marlin Brando? Ah right, there he is….
I coulda been a contender.






If you aren’t having a Happy 420 Day, you aren’t trying hard enough.

Get with the program, folks!


Oh, and happy 39th today to my better half.

I’ll be home soon, hon.

Love you lots!



Ron and Nancy’s Rental

I was walking the streets of the Fab 40’s yesterday after a stop at TJ’s for yogurt pretzels, and I almost missed the Blue House because I was on the phone with my real estate agent. (Our third showing @392 Midstream is today @2:45.)  For what it’s worth, if you smell smoke in the Fab 40’s like I did yesterday, it’s probably some rich retired guy firing up a fine Cubano, not some stanky hip-hopper with sagging shorts smoking weed. Just FYI.


Real Estate - THE Blue House.

For those of you on the outside looking in, “The Blue House” was made famous in the movie “Lady Bird,” Greta Gerwig’s breakout hit –  and a “love-letter to Sacramento” –  before she made the Barbie movie.

Also a blue house, but not THE Blue House. But hey, it’s in the Fab 40’s, so it’s still special.


Last but not least…


Real Estate - Ron and Nancy.
Ron & Nancy’s rental place at 1341 45th St. sold for $5 mil in ’22. The listing is here.


1341 45th was a rental real estate property back in the late 60’s and early ’70’s. A nice couple named Ron and Nancy lived there. He worked for the State, while she practiced astrology and kept small dogs. It was nothing special by Fab 40’s standards, but they seem to have liked it. Later on they moved to DC after Ron got a promotion.  In latter days they retired to Bel Aire in SoCal where they finally achieved the American dream of home ownership. That’s where Ron lost his marbles and Nancy continued with the dogs and the astrology. The things some people do, eh?  Ah well, it beats living in a rental at least.  😉


“Rex”, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, with Ron & Nancy.


Heading up I-5 to Portland today to visit Ben and see what kind of trouble we can get into this weekend. Stay tuned for details on your late local news @ 11.

About Dang Time

Well, it’s about dang time, that’s all I’ve got to say. The goats have finally arrived on the levee, and not a moment too soon. Any more weed growth and they’d have had to drop the fisherman in to the riverbank by helicopter, dangling from a cable like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. I mean, REALLY!


Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt.
Thassa whole lotta goats, Mister.
That’s a whole lotta goats, mister. As Carl Sagan once famously said: “Billions & billions.”
About dang time: Grazing in process.
I said “CLOSED!”  And not a moment to spare.


Bonus Carl Sagan book.

Federal Reserve

Goldilocks and the 3 Federal Reserve Bears.
“First, Goldilocks said interest rates were too high. Then, Goldilocks said they were too low. Then, in agreement with the Federal Reserve Board, she finally said they were juuust right.”



OK, today’s post is all about interest rates. And we’ve started off with a cartoon because it only hurts when you breathe deep – or when you laugh. Here are a couple of softball questions to test your financial knowledge. Yeah, sure, you could probably Google the answers. But where’s the fun in that? Let me know in the comments section how you did. If you don’t, I’ll just have to assume you got them all wrong. And we wouldn’t want THAT, now would we?




1. How many members currently serve on the Federal Reserve Board?

A. Five

B. Seven

C. 435



2. Of those, what fraction are women?

A. None

B. All

C. About half



3. Which of the following are NOT current members of The Fed?

A. Colin Powell

B. Janet Yellin

C. Alan Greenspan



4. As of 4/16/2024, the 30-year fixed mortgage interest rate was…?

A. Above 7%

B. Between 6% and 7%

C. Below 6%



5. The commonly used short-hand term for the Federal Reserve?

A. The Fed

B. The Sonsabitches

C. The Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders



6. Jerome Powell, current Fed Chair, was appointed by which POTUS?

A. Barack Obama

B. Donald Trump

C. Joe Biden



7. If interest rates remain high, who am I voting for in the fall?

A. Donald Trump

B. Joe Biden

C. Ralph Nader






If nobody gets them all right, I will let you know and post correct answers in the comments tomorrow. Now, good luck y’all. And just to show I’m on your side, here are some free hints. Yer welcome.


This guy was Fed Chair during the Great Depression, but the sonofabitch is now dead. So is Robin Williams for that matter..
Robin Williams once dressed as a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, but he never served on the Fed.


Northern Mississippi

Man, I have really been enjoying reading Ace Atkins. “Ace?” I hear you say. Yeah, I know, I know. But the guy can write a good mystery, even with a name like “Ace.” He did some of the “Spencer” series after Robert B. Parker bit the dust. Then he ventured out into new territory with his series about Quinn Colson, Sheriff of fictional Tibbehah County in Northern Mississippi.

Quinn is an ex-Army Ranger who comes back from Afghanistan to his home town and picks up in local law enforcement where his uncle Hamp (now deceased, formerly disgraced) left off. Both Quinn and his uncle have checkered pasts, which only adds to the fun. You know, along with the moonshine, the juke joints, the fried catfish, and more local color from rural Northern Mississippi than most good-old-boys can shake a stick at. Think of it as John Grisham without the law degree, wearing a Carhartt coat and muddy boots.

Hey, it ain’t William Faulkner or Flannery O’Connor. But I know what I like. And as thriller writers go, Ace is A-okay by me. I started off with his most recent (The Heathens – 2021) and I’m steadily working my way back through Atkins’ output aiming toward his initial Quinn Colson offering (The Ranger – 2011). If you get a chance to sample, please let me know what you think. I can’t necessarily vouch for the catfish or the moonshine. But the local color rings true enough to hold MY interest through eleven novels… and counting.


Are more in this series on the way?

This is what Atkins has to say;


“There will always be another Quinn Colson book. But these are weird times and I don’t necessarily want to write about COVID times. It’s very difficult to do an interrogation scene with masks, and Quinn and most of his deputies would be out with COVID. I don’t think people want to read about it.


Northern Mississippi - The Heathens.
From 2021.


Fingers crossed, Ace; fingers crossed.

Pandemic’s over; so, high time to get crackin’.


I know it probably sounds over-dramatic, but every year when I finish doing the taxes, I feel like I’ve just been pardoned from death row. Having retired last year – and hopefully selling our CA place soon – this should be the last time we’ve got multiple state returns to worry about. And of course, without the aid of modern tax-filing software with its relatively simple Q&A interface, I’d more than likely have jumped off a steep roof in tax season a long time ago – just FYI.

Still, this year’s return(s) ran to over 60 pages. All that and I got it done with 12 hours to spare. New this time around was IRS form 199-A referencing Treasury Regs. §1.199A-4(b)(1)(i); as well as §1.199A-5(c)(2).  For those of you on the outside looking in, that’s the de minimis Safe Harbor Real Estate Statement. In previous years this was just covered by a single check box inside the Tax Act package. But this year, inexplicably, it required an additional .pdf attachment to form 1040. I could go on. But if I did, I’m afraid I might have to seek additional psychotherapy. And nobody wants to see that hot mess.

Suffice it to say, I’m walking on post-tax sunshine today, and that is a very good thing. We should all be so lucky. As I’m well aware, there are those of us out there who are not yet off the hook. Sorry about that, Chief.



LMK = “let me know,” just FYI.

Better luck next time, DJT.

Aesop’s Fables

Remember Aesop’s Fables? You know, those old-timey anthropomorphic wildlife stories with a built-in human moral at the end to make you feel like you got your money’s worth? For instance, The Fox and The Grapes: A fox can’t jump high enough to reach some tasty-looking grapes. So he imagines they are sour and not worth the effort anyway. Thus the origin of the term “sour grapes.” And a reinforcement of the lesson that scorn for that which is beyond our reach is rarely justified.

Or, The Tortise and The Hare: A hare makes fun of a tortise for being slow. So the tortise challenges him to a race. Jumping out to a big early lead, the hare curls up for a nap, only to end up losing to the patiently plodding reptile. Moral of the story? The race is not always to the swift. Or, as I learned it: Slow and steady wins the race.


Aesop's Fables - Tortise.
Sometimes slow wins. But not in high jump.


Ever hear the one about The Owl and the Grasshopper? Me neither, but here goes: A wise old owl trying to sleep during the day is disturbed by a grasshopper’s incessant racket. Instead of arguing with him, the owl invites him up to his tree to share a drink of wine, promising that it will make the grasshopper’s “song” even sweeter. The foolish – and vain – grasshopper, taken in by the owl’s flattery, is quickly eaten, thus preserving the owl’s peace. The moral? Don’t let flattery fool you or you might just end up as somebody’s dinner.


Aesop's Fables - owl.
Dead tree. Wise old owl.  Vain & tasty grasshopper.


The real moral of these stories? Aesop’s Fables draw pithy life-lessons from “nature” to impress upon gullible children the enduring wisdom of human virtues like sincerity, patience, and – oh yes, let’s not forget – rank flattery.




See here, here, and here for the originals.

Care to come up here for some fine wine, Grasshopper?

It’ll make you sound like Taylor Swift.

And it pairs well with insects.


Quiet Magic

Do I repeat myself? Yes, I guess I do. Recently I posted a funny one about technology from David Brooks, here. Today’s, titled “The Quiet Magic of Middle Managers” is more serious, but no less worth reading. (NYT subscribers: here.) It’s in keeping with Brooks’ center-right leanings ala Edmund Burke. But I would argue it extends from middle managers to teachers, coaches, parents, and indeed anyone not a hermit who exerts an influence over their neighbors, regardless of political philosophy.

Brooks takes as his model his old boss Jim Lehrer of PBS NewHour fame. He uses words like “moral” and “ethical” a lot. If either of those facts disqualifies his view in your eyes, I’d urge you to reconsider. Hey, anybody who quotes both Ted Lasso and Mary Oliver is OK in my book. They at least deserve a second look.


Quiet Magic - Lehrer.
Quiet Magic personified on PBS’ NewsHour.




Nobody writes poems about middle managers. Nobody gets too romantic about the person who runs a department at a company, or supervises a construction crew, or serves as principal at a school, manager at a restaurant or deacon at a church. But I’ve come to believe that these folks are the unsung heroes of our age.


Amid a wider national atmosphere of division, distrust, bitterness and exhaustion, these managers are the frontline workers who try to resolve tensions and keep communities working, their teams united and relationships afloat. At a time when conflict entrepreneurs (see: Tucker Carlson) and demagogues are trying to rip society apart, I’m beginning to think that these members of the managerial class, spread across the institutions of society, are serving as the invisible glue that gives us a shot at sticking together.


So how do these managers work their magic? When I hear people in these roles talk about their work and its challenges, I hear, at least among the most inspiring of them, about the ways they put people over process, about the ways they deeply honor those right around them. A phrase pops into my mind: “Ethical leadership.” This is not just management. Something more deeply humanistic is going on. Let me give you a few features of ethical leadership:


Knowing that moral formation is part of the job. Here we turn to the gospel of Ted Lasso. When Lasso was asked about his goal for his soccer team, he replied: “For me, success is not about the wins and losses. It’s about helping these young fellas be the best versions of themselves on and off the field.” The lesson is that if you help your people become the best versions of themselves, the results you seek will take care of themselves.


Creating a moral ecology. I love talking about my old boss Jim Lehrer. When I was starting out at “PBS NewsHour” and I said something he thought was smart, his eyes would crinkle with pleasure. When I said something he thought was crass, his mouth would turn down in displeasure. For 10 years I chased the eye crinkles and tried to avoid the mouth downturns.


Jim never had to say anything to me, but with those kinds of slight gestures he taught us how to do our jobs. He communicated: This is how we do things on the “NewsHour”; these are our standards. Jim is gone, but the standards and moral ecology he helped create live on. Morally healthy communities habituate people to behave in certain ways and make it easier to be good.


Being hyperattentive. The poet Mary Oliver wrote: “This is the first, wildest and wisest thing I know: that the soul exists, and that it is built entirely out of attentiveness.” The leaders we admire are paying close attention to those who work with them. They are not self-centered but cast the beam of their care on others, making them feel seen and lit up. In how you see me, I come to see myself. If you cast a just and loving attention on people, they blossom.


Knowing that people are watching more closely than you might think. We like to believe that it’s our fancy pronouncements that have a big impact on others. But what usually gets communicated most deeply is the leader’s smallest gestures — the casual gifts of politeness, the little compliment or, on the other hand, the cold shoulder of thoughtlessness.


The Anglo-Irish statesman Edmund Burke wrote, “The law touches us but here and there, and now and then. Manners are what vex or soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, barbarize or refine us, by a constant, steady, uniform, insensible operation, like that of the air we breathe in. They give their whole form and color to our lives. According to their quality, they aid morals, they supply them, or they totally destroy them.”


Generativity. The economists tell us that people are basically self-interested, but there comes a time in the lives of many managers when the capacity to guide and foster the next generation is more rewarding than just serving themselves. And yet they do this mentoring with respect, not condescension. The most generative leaders don’t see themselves as doing things “for” people. They know that “with” is more powerful than “for.” The chaplain Samuel Wells once observed that modern societies often “attempt to construct a world that works perfectly well without love.” But, he adds, mature love between equals is walking “with” and not doing “for.”


The absence of a heroic sense. Albert Schweitzer was genuinely heroic. In 1905, he decided to leave his successful careers in music and academia to become a missionary doctor serving the poor in Africa. But he never thought that he was doing anything special, and he never hired people who thought of their work in those terms. If you’re going to last in a life of sacrificial service, he concluded, you have to treat it as something as normal as doing the dishes. He wrote, “Only a person who feels his preference to be a matter of course, not something out of the ordinary, and who has no thought of heroism but only of a duty undertaken with sober enthusiasm, is capable of becoming the sort of spiritual pioneer the world needs.”


The same humility is observed in the best organizations — the willingness to do the uncelebrated work, day after day.


Preserving the moral lens. People in most professions are driven by mixed motives. Doctors want to heal the sick but are pressured to speed through enough patients to make the practice profitable. Lawyers defend their clients but also have to rack up billable hours. In day-to-day life it is easy for the utilitarian lens of metrics to eclipse the moral lens that drew us to our work in the first place. Ethical leaders push against the creeping pressures of utilitarianism, so that the people around them remember the ideals that drove them into their work in the first place.


A posture of joy. We assume we are being judged on our competence, but mostly we are judged on our warmth. Ethical leaders communicate a joyfulness in what they do and attract followers in part by showing pleasure. Look at the example set by the great Russian martyr Aleksei Navalny. He was funny and teasing, even in the most brutal circumstances.


America’s founding fathers understood that when private virtue fails, then relationships fail and the constitutional order crumbles. The crucial struggle of our time is not merely the global macro struggle between democracy and authoritarianism; it’s the day-to-day micro-contest between the forces that honor human dignity and those that spread dehumanization.


The democratic fabric is held together by daily acts of consideration that middle managers are in a position to practice and foster. The best of them don’t resolve our disputes but lift us above them so that we can see disagreements from a higher and more generous vantage point. Democracy is more than just voting; it is a way of living, a way of living generously within disagreements, one that works only with ethical leaders showing the way.




Well, waddayasay?

All comments welcome, pro or con.