Saying Grace

Thanksgiving is coming soon.  This is America’s great secular holiday as never imagined by President Lincoln: An orgy of overflowing food and non-stop football. As is fitting on such a day, even people who don’t regularly practice saying grace before meals nevertheless will take a moment to say “thanks.” In our house, we always say “Thanks for cooking” to the cook. And when called upon when I was younger, I’d usually offer up the standard farm-boy Thanksgiving form: “Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub.”

This year,  however, I find myself giving thanks for two great women of faith. Both are stellar writers. Both are habitually, brutally honest. And both are just plain funny as hell:  Anne Lamott, and Nadia Bolz-Weber. The first wrote the below meditation on “Saying Grace” which I’ve pirated wholesale from FB.  The second is preaching tomorrow at St. John’s Cathedral in downtown Denver. It’s been over a year and a half since we’ve all gathered together in one place. That’s reason enough for a hearty giving of thanks. Me personally, I can’t wait.




Here‘s a Thanksgiving piece written for Parade many years ago
by Anne Lamott
We didn’t say grace at our house when I was growing up because my parents were atheists. I knew even as a little girl that everyone at every table needed blessings and encouragement, but my family didn’t ask for it. Instead, my parents raised glasses of wine to the chef: Cheers. Bottoms up. Dig in.
But I had a terrible secret, which was that I believed in God, a divine presence who heard me when I prayed, who stayed close to me in the dark. So at six years old I began to infiltrate religious families like a spy — Mata Hari in plaid sneakers.
One of my best friends was a Catholic girl. Her boisterous family bowed its collective head and said, “Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts. …” I was so hungry for these words.  It was like a cool breeze, a polite thank-you note to God. The silky magnetic energy of gratitude. I still love that line.
I believed that if your family said grace, it meant you were a happy family, all evidence to the contrary. But I saw at certain tables that an improvised grace could cause friction or discomfort. My friend Mark reports that at his big southern childhood Thanksgivings, someone always managed to say something that made poor Granny feel half dead. “It would be along the lines of ‘And Lord, we are just glad you have seen fit to keep Mama with us for one more year.’ We would all strain to see Granny giving him the fish-eye.”
Because I grew up around alcohol and unhappy grown ups, I was very watchful, like a tiny air traffic controller. I noticed some families shortened the pro forma blessing so they could get right to the meal. If there were more males than females, it was a boy-chant, said as one word: “GodisgreatGodisgoodletusthankHimforourfoodAmen.” I noticed that grace usually wasn’t said if the kids were eating in front of the TV, as if God refused to listen over the sound of it. I also noticed that praying families were in no better shape than mine.
Later I noticed how often people are held hostage by grace-sayers, who use the opportunity to work the room, like the Church Lady. But more often, people simply say thank you. We understand how far short we must fall. How selfish we can be. How self-righteous. What brats. And yet God has given us this marvelous meal.
It turns out that my two brothers and I all grew up to be middle-aged believers. I’ve been a member of the same Presbyterian church for 36 years, 35 of them sober. My older brother became a born-again Christian. But don’t ask him to give the blessing, as it can last forever. I adore him, but your food will grow cold. My younger brother is a sort of freelance Irish Catholic. So now someone at our holiday tables always ends up saying grace. I think we’re in it for the pause, the quiet thanks for love and for our blessings, before the shoveling begins. For a minute, our stations are tuned to a broader, richer radius. We’re acknowledging that this food didn’t just magically appear. Someone grew it, ground it, bought it, baked it.  Wow.
We say thank you for the miracle that we have stuck together all these years in spite of it all. That we have each other’s backs and hilarious companionship. We say thank you for the plentiful and outrageous food. Kathy’s lox, Robby’s heartbreaking gravy. We pray to be mindful of the needs of others. We savor these moments out of time, when we are conscious of love’s presence. Of Someone’s great abiding generosity to our dear and motley family. These holy moments of gratitude. And that is grace.



Saying Grace and giving thanks
Nadia Bolz-Weber, newly installed pastor of public witness for Saint John’s Cathedral, will be preaching at all three services on Sunday, Nov. 21st. She is a New York Times bestselling author and founding pastor of Denver’s House for All Sinners and Saints.


“…our dear and motley family” in 1958,  shortly before I was born. That’s great-grandma Hoffman, middle left, giving everyone the “fish-eye.”

2 Replies to “Saying Grace”

  1. And if you don’t follow Nadia on Twitter, it’s definitely an account worth checking out. To quote her: “Happy Antifa Sunday everyone.”

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