Ken-Caryl Ranch

It has been a while since we’ve done a purely Roxhikes post. Far too long, in fact. But the best thing about rectifying one’s shortcomings is that getting back on track always feels so satisfying. Thus, without any further ado, here’s today’s hike in Ken-Caryl Ranch. This was a new one for me.


Ken Caryl Ranch
The correct pronunciation of Caryl is “carol” as in a Christmas song; not “Karl” as in Marx.




When we were first looking at moving to Denver, Ken-Caryl Ranch was on our bucket list as “sure would love to live there” but also as “could never possibly afford it.” Situated some 20 miles west of downtown just outside the 470-belt-loop, and behind that first row of mountains slightly south of Red Rocks, this community boasts an unparalleled backdrop, along with property valuations in the stratosphere. Lucky for us we found a place just a few miles south in Roxborough Park with equally stunning views and more affordable real estate parameters.




Today was a gorgeous day for late February in this part of the world. How gorgeous? Well, the Park Ranger was driving around with his Jeep’s window down and his elbow hanging out. The guy in the red Beemer convertible? He had the top down. Also, everybody and his brother was out for a walk, a run, or a bike ride. Families with little kids in strollers, older kids on Razor scooters, and all accompanied by dogs of every breed, shape, and size: Everybody was out taking advantage of the sunshine.  Did I mention, the temp was 62 degrees? Well, now I did.




How do you know when you’ve truly arrived? Is it when you’re walking along the sidewalk and every 3rd or 4th vehicle passing you on the street is a Tesla? When every spandex-clad biker and every fleet-foot runner zipping by you is in way better shape than you can ever hope to be? When the developments have names like Wynterbrooke Estates? (Note the trendy “y” instead of an “i,” and that superfluous “e” at the end.) Or maybe when you have your own personal putting green in the back yard? All this and more is true in Ken-Caryl Ranch. But the fact is, there’s only one way to know you’ve truly arrived, and you’re not going find out what that is until we get to the end. So please be patient and follow along. Patience is a virtue, after all.




Today’s hike begins at the North Parking Lot of South Valley Park and works its way up from there along South Valley Parkway. Turn left at the Manor House sign on Mountain Laurel Drive, then take a right on Manor House Road, proceeding to the top of the hill. Got all that? Below are some visuals to help guide you on your way. Good luck.


If you make it as far as the Bradford K-8 school, keep going: You’re not there yet.


Your final destination: The Manor House, with 8000 sq. ft. and hella views north and south….
… while looking east you can see downtown in the far distance.
But the final answer to the question, “How do you know when you’ve truly arrived?” It’s the heli-pad out front, of course.


Yeah, personal putting greens and Teslas are all well and good. But it’s the free helicopter parking that really sets a place apart.




For me, no Tesla or heli-pad necessary. And besides, a 23-year-old Chrysler 300 with a rebuilt engine will do me just fine. At least as long as you don’t mind walking uphill those last couple of miles to get where you’re going.


The North Parking Lot of South Valley Park:  Happy trails, y’all!


For those bitten by the history bug, a wealth of information is here – including the origin of the name Ken-Caryl.

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