Turkey Vultures

Today’s Castlewood Canyon hike was notable mostly for 20-or-so turkey vultures circling overhead at sunrise. Well, for that and for the frost on the ground before the sun got up above the canyon rim. Brrrrr!

Turkey Vultures

Only a few dog-walkers out at that early hour.


I stood on top of the dam to get the overhead vulture shot….

You know how, when you’re outside and you tip your head way back and lose sight of the horizon, you can sometimes lose your balance? Try it. Yeah, like that.


Anyway, not to worry: I didn’t fall. And the vultures weren’t circling ME. In fact, given the time of year, they were likely just house-hunting. After all, it is nesting season for a lot of raptors right now.

‘Tis the season for raptor nesting.


But it did set me to thinking: How long would it take 20 hungry turkey vultures to pick a carcass clean? You know, if worse came to worst. As it turns out, they’re pretty darn efficient. As can be seen in this graphic NSFW video, here.

Warning: Mature Content. No One Under 18 Admitted Without Parent or Guardian. I’m serious, people: These birds are not kidding around.


And just in case you were wondering…


When you see a flock of vultures in flight, you’re witnessing a kettle of vultures. When you see vultures at rest in a tree or on a fence post, that’s a committee of vulturesAnd since vultures feed mainly on dead animals, when you see a group feeding, you’re in the presence of a wake of vultures




Now y’all have yourself a nice day. And don’t even give that video a second thought. But just for the record, please Please PLEASE make sure to keep your balance when looking straight up into a clear blue sky from the top of a 70′-tall crumbling stone ruin on a cold spring morning. No sense tempting fate.  Or turkey vultures either for that matter.


Bonus cartoon:


Because soon it will be election season.



You been warned.

One Reply to “Turkey Vultures”

  1. I can almost see you leaning back, shaking your fist, and yelling, “I’m not dead yet!”

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