Eat Mor Cats

Like them or don’t, Chick-fil-A has a great billboard ad campaign called “Eat Mor Chikin.” After last night’s debate performance, I’d like to suggest a political one called “Eat Mor Cats.” Either side is welcome to use it, I won’t discriminate. But also, there’s no charge for free advice – so there’s that.


Eat Mor Cats


I’m not going to weigh in on who won or lost. You probably have your own take on that. But I will weigh in on a couple of memes I saw that I especially liked. Hope you enjoy them too.



Last but not least, at least one undecided voter came out with an endorsement after the debate – so there’s that.


Go Chiefs! Also: “Eat Mor Cats.”


A more serious treatment of the topic can be found here, with paywall removed for your reading convenience.

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