Meanwhile on the Peak…

Summer snow blankets Pikes Peak summit Sunday


Pikes Peak snow



This Day in History, August 29, 2005.


The Interstate 90 bridge over St. Louis Bay in Pass Christian, Mississippi, is folded and destroyed from the high wind and wa

The Interstate 90 bridge over St. Louis Bay in Pass Christian, Mississippi, is folded and destroyed from the high wind and waves of Hurricane Katrina, Aug. 30, 2005.  Construction crews worked on the bridge around the clock with bright lights reflecting off the murky Gulf waters at night. When a major thoroughfare like I-90 goes down, you spare no expense to get it operational as quickly as possible.

We (my kids and I) went down to Bay St. Louis Mississippi during Thanksgiving week of 2005. We went along with some friends and fellow church people from Ascension Episcopal in Pueblo. This was a few months after Katrina hit. We stayed in travel trailers that had been set up next to Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church. OLG sits right on the shoreline in Bay St. Louis. The walls of the church were all still standing after Katrina, but half the roof was blown off and much of the church’s contents – including most of the pews – were washed out to sea in the storm surge.

The parish priest was our host. In fact, he lived in a trailer next to us since the rectory had been totally destroyed. We went with him to Mass every morning along with about a dozen or so faithful regulars from OLG. I remember his remarkable daily sermons – each just one sentence long – he also wrote a daily blog post where he was slightly less laconic.  How that man held it together during the recovery and rebuilding of OLG which took several years to complete – I have no idea. But I do know that the one-sentence sermons, served with a hearty breakfast each day, definitely helped bolster attendance.

There were also lots of kids in school uniforms coming to the OLG-affiliated parochial school next door every day, despite the fact that 90% of Bay St. Louis had been leveled by Katrina.  The school was in fact the very first institution in Bay St. Louis to get back up and running after Katrina. By that point, a few months on, reconstruction on most residences and businesses had barely begun.

We helped with cleanup on the church grounds. We also did demolition of nearby houses that had been ruined but were still standing. I remember that the priest at OLG let us use his washing machine, a most welcome amenity since, by the end of each day, we were utterly filthy.  (I have found that in times of disaster, having clean clothes and a place to shower is an especially big deal.)  The priest also gave communion to us – Episcopalians, remember – at morning Mass. In other times and in other places a Catholic priest giving communion to non-Catholics would be a big no-no. But under these circumstances, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. (I do hope he didn’t get in hot water with his Bishop!)

There were big busloads of mostly Catholic youths from parishes mostly in Louisiana and Texas who came and worked alongside us. Many of them made multiple trips, working on cleanup for a week at a time. We and others around town all ate together each evening downtown in a big tent. Dinner was served to hundreds of volunteers from all over the country. Despite the grim circumstances, the atmosphere was almost festive. The food was all donated; the cooking all done by volunteers.  On Thanksgiving the Mayor of Bay St. Louis, Eddie Farve (yes, a relative of Brett) carved the turkey and served us all personally. The spirit of joy, compassion, and camaraderie I witnessed there was nothing short of extraordinary. It’s not something you see every day.

A lot has been written about post-Katrina looting and gunfire, even murders, in New Orleans. How much was written about what my kids and I saw in Bay St. Louis? A lot less. But we were there; we saw it first hand; and I for one will never forget. News producers have a vested interest in shocking people and grabbing attention, probably because people sitting on their couches watching TV or reading papers or surfing the Internet are easily bored. So, naturally, the media want to give their audience the deepest, darkest dirt. Don’t get me wrong: I know plenty of bad stuff happens in this world, no doubt. But it would be a mistake to think that bad stuff is the majority of what happened, even in a place like the Gulf Coast after Katrina, even as bad as things were.

More photos, here.


This Day in History, 1996.

After four years of separation, Charles, Prince of Wales and heir to the British throne, and his wife, Princess Diana, formally divorce.

On July 29, 1981, nearly one billion television viewers in 74 countries tuned in to witness the marriage of Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, to Lady Diana Spencer, a young English schoolteacher. Married in a grand ceremony at St. Paul’s Cathedral in the presence of 2,650 guests, the couple’s romance was, for the moment, the envy of the world. Their first child, Prince William, was born in 1982, and their second, Prince Harry, in 1984.

Before long, however, the fairy tale couple grew apart, an experience that was particularly painful under the ubiquitous eyes of the world’s tabloid media. Diana and Charles announced a separation in 1992, though they continued to carry out their royal duties. In August 1996, two months after Queen Elizabeth II urged the couple to divorce, the prince and princess reached a final agreement. In exchange for a generous settlement, and the right to retain her apartments at Kensington Palace and her title of “Princess of Wales,” Diana agreed to relinquish the title of “Her Royal Highness” and any future claims to the British throne.

In the year following the divorce, the popular princess seemed well on her way to achieving her dream of becoming “a queen in people’s hearts,” but on August 31, 1997, she was killed with her companion Dodi Fayed in a car accident in Paris. An investigation conducted by the French police concluded that the driver, who also died in the crash, was heavily intoxicated and caused the accident while trying to escape the paparazzi photographers who consistently tailed Diana during any public outing.

Prince Charles married his longtime mistress, Camilla Parker Bowles, on April 9, 2005.


In the 7th century, Etheldreda, the queen of Northumbria, renounced her husband and her royal position for the veil of a nun. She was renowned for her saintliness and is traditionally said to have died of a swelling in her throat, which she took as a judgment upon her fondness for wearing necklaces in her youth. Her shrine became a principal site of pilgrimage in England. An annual fair was held in her honor on October 17th, and her name became simplified to St. Audrey. At these fairs various kinds of cheap knickknacks were sold, along with a type of necklace called St. Audrey’s lace, which by the 17th century had become altered to tawdry lace. Eventually, tawdry came to be used to describe anything cheap and gaudy that might be found at these fairs or anywhere else.

Pub Fare

My favorite? Fastest milk-bottle mile, of course.

On this day in 1955, the first edition of “The Guinness Book of Records” is published in Great Britain. It quickly proves to be a hit. Now known as the “Guinness World Records” book, the annual publication features a wide range of feats related to humans and animals. To date the book has sold more than 130 million copies. It has been translated into more than two dozen languages and is the top-selling copyrighted title in history.

The inspiration for the record book can be traced to November 1951 when Sir Hugh Beaver, managing director of the Guinness Brewery (founded in Dublin in 1759), was on a hunting trip in Ireland. After failing to shoot a golden plover, Beaver and the members of his hunting party debated whether the creature was Europe’s fastest game bird. They were unable to locate a book with the answer.Thinking that patrons of Britain’s pubs would enjoy a record book which could be used to settle friendly disagreements, Beaver decided to have one produced. He hired twin brothers Norris and Ross McWhirter, the founders of a London-based agency that provided facts and statistics to newspapers and advertisers. The book was intended to be given away for free in pubs to promote the Guinness brand. However, it turned out to be so popular the company started selling it that fall and it became a best-seller. An American edition debuted in 1956. It was soon followed by editions in a number of other countries. The McWhirters traveled the globe to research and verify records. Ross McWhirter was involved in compiling the book until his death in 1975 at the hands of Irish Republican Army gunmen. His brother Norris continued to serve as the book’s editor until 1986.

Today, the thousands of official Guinness records include the oldest person ever (Jeanne Louise Calment of France, who died in 1997 at 122 years and 164 days old); the tallest dog ever (a now-deceased Great Dane from Michigan named Zeus, who in 2011 measured 44 inches from foot to withers); and the largest underwater human pyramid (62 people in 2013 in Thailand). Ashrita Furman of New York holds more records than anyone else on the planet. His numerous accomplishments include the longest continuous distance somersaulted (12 miles 390 yards), most apples cut in midair with a samurai sword in 1 minute (29) and fastest mile with a milk bottle balanced on his head (7 minutes 47 seconds).

Gospel of Wealth

Unlike my usual custom of reprinting in full, for this one you’ll have to click the link.  This isn’t even all that long as New Yorker articles go but it’s considerably longer than the average “This Day in History” selection.  Everybody’s gotta draw a line somewhere and mine’s somewhere south of 3000 words. The full article appears in the New Yorker print edition of August 27, 2018 under the headline “Shaking the Foundations.” You can read it here.

Full disclosure: Among the many Andrew Carnegie endowments listed at the outset of the piece, the author fails to mention a big one: My former employer, TIAA-CREF (Teachers’ Income Annuity Association – College Retirement Equity Fund).  Along with my current employer, CalSTRS (California State Teachers’ Retirement System), they each have as their mission safeguarding – and growing – retirement money for educators. In case you missed it, most teachers are not themselves wealthy. Then again, mentioning it would fail to bolster her main point.  Anyway, Caveat Emptor.

So, waddayasay? Is Rob Reich right? Is today’s philanthropy failing democracy?  And especially when it comes to education, what kind of future do we want?

Bonus cartoon.  I’ve included this for your your enjoyment just in case you didn’t care to plow through the full 3000+ words.

“Bile exits the gallbladder, passes through the cystic duct, gets released into the intestines, and, ultimately, winds up on the Internet.”

Fake News

On this day in history, August 25, 1835, the first in a series of articles announcing the supposed discovery of life on the moon appears in the New York Sun newspaper.


Known collectively as “The Great Moon Hoax,” the articles were supposedly reprinted from the Edinburgh Journal of Science. The byline was Dr. Andrew Grant, described as a colleague of Sir John Herschel, a famous astronomer of the day. Herschel had in fact traveled to Capetown, South Africa, in January 1834 to set up an observatory with a powerful new telescope. As Grant described it, Herschel had found evidence of life forms on the moon. Included were such fantastic animals as unicorns, two-legged beavers and furry, winged humanoids resembling bats. The articles also offered vivid description of the moon’s geography. It was complete with massive craters, enormous amethyst crystals, rushing rivers and lush vegetation.

The New York Sun, founded in 1833, was one of the new “penny press” papers. It appealed to a wider audience with a cheaper price and a more narrative style of journalism. From the day the first moon hoax article was released, sales of the paper shot up considerably. It was exciting stuff. Readers lapped it up. The only problem was that none of it was true. The Edinburgh Journal of Science had stopped publication years earlier. Grant was a fictional character. The articles were most likely written by Richard Adams Locke, a Sun reporter educated at Cambridge University. Intended as satire, they were designed to poke fun at earlier, serious speculations about extraterrestrial life. In particular, Locke took aim at Reverend Thomas Dick, a popular science writer who claimed in his bestselling books that the moon alone had 4.2 billion inhabitants.

Readers were completely taken in by the story, however. They failed to recognize it as satire. The craze over Herschel’s supposed discoveries even fooled a committee of Yale University scientists, who traveled to New York in search of the Edinburgh Journal articles. After Sun employees sent them back and forth between the printing and editorial offices hoping to discourage them, the scientists returned to New Haven without realizing they had been duped.

On September 16, 1835, the Sun admitted the articles had been a hoax. People were generally amused by the whole thing. Sales of the paper didn’t suffer either. The Sun continued operation until 1950 when it merged with the New York World-Telegram. The merger folded in 1967.


This day in history, 79 AD:  Vesuvius erupts.


Re-posting from from a year ago in honor of the anniversary of the eruption. Also in honor of the Vesuvius exhibit at the Getty Villa. That’s just a mile up the coast from where we’re staying in our own Airbnb villa right now.  Hopefully the Big One holds off in California a little while longer, thus allowing us to visit this afternoon.  And if not?  Well, hey, it’s been nice knowing you!



Crater of volcanic Mt. Vesuvius, aerial view.




After centuries of dormancy, Mount Vesuvius erupts in southern Italy. The prosperous Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum are devastated.  Thousands die. The cities, buried under a thick layer of volcanic material and mud, are never rebuilt.  They remain largely forgotten in the course of history until the 18th century, when Pompeii and Herculaneum are rediscovered and excavated.  This provides an unprecedented archaeological record of the everyday life of an ancient civilization, startlingly preserved in sudden death.






The ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum thrived near the base of Mount Vesuvius at the Bay of Naples. In the time of the early Roman Empire, 20,000 people lived in the area.  Merchants, manufacturers, and farmers exploited the rich soil of the region with numerous vineyards and orchards. None suspected that the black fertile earth was the legacy of Mount Vesuvius’ earlier eruptions.



Herculaneum, a city of 5,000 and a favorite summer destination for rich Romans, was named for the mythic hero Hercules. It housed opulent villas and grand Roman baths. Gambling artifacts and a brothel unearthed nearby attest to the decadent nature of the cities.  Smaller resort communities in the area included the quiet little town of Stabiae, just across Naples bay.






At noon on August 24, 79 A.D., all this pleasure and prosperity came to an abrupt end when the peak of Mount Vesuvius exploded.  A 10-mile mushroom cloud of ash and pumice flew into the stratosphere. For the next 12 hours, volcanic ash and a hail of pumice stones up to 3 inches in diameter showered Pompeii. Most of the city’s occupants fled in terror. Some 2,000 people stayed behind, holed up in cellars. They hoped to wait out the eruption.  Big mistake.



Westerly winds protected Herculaneum from the initial stage of the eruption.  Then a giant cloud of hot ash and gas surged down the western flank of Vesuvius.  The city was engulfed and all were asphyxiated or burned outright.  The lethal gas cloud was followed by a flood of volcanic mud and rock.  The city was buried.  In Pompeii, all unlucky souls who remained behind died the following morning. That’s when a cloud of toxic gas poured into that city. A flow of rock and ash followed. Roofs and walls collapsed, burying the dead.





Much of what we know about the eruption comes from an account by Pliny the Younger.  He was nearby on the coast when Vesuvius exploded. In two letters to the historian Tacitus, he tells of how “people covered their heads with pillows, their only defense against a shower of stones.”  He also describes how “a dark and horrible cloud charged with combustible matter suddenly broke and set forth. Some bewailed their own fate. Others prayed to die.”



Pliny the Younger escaped catastrophe and later became known as a writer and Roman administrator. His uncle, Pliny the Elder, was less lucky. A celebrated naturalist, he commanded a Roman fleet in the Bay of Naples. After Vesuvius exploded, he took his boats across the bay to Stabiae.  He hoped to investigate the eruption and reassure terrified citizens. But after going ashore, he breathed toxic gas, collapsed, and died.



According to Pliny the Younger’s account, the eruption lasted 18 hours. Pompeii lay buried under 14 to 17 feet of ash and pumice. The nearby seacoast changed drastically. Herculaneum ended up with more than 60 feet of mud and volcanic material. Some residents later returned to dig out destroyed homes, hoping to salvage their valuables.  But many treasures remained behind, totally forgotten.






In the 18th century, a well digger unearthed a marble statue at Herculaneum.  The local government excavated some valuable art objects, but they abandoned the project soon after. In 1748, a farmer found traces of Pompeii beneath his vineyard. Since then, excavations have continued without interruption until the present. In 1927, the Italian government resumed excavations at Herculaneum.  They retrieved numerous art treasures.   Bronze and marble statues and paintings were among the trove.  Some of them are now on display at the Getty.



The remains of 2,000 men, women, and children lie buried at Pompeii. After perishing from asphyxiation and covered in ash, their bodies decomposed to skeletal remains.  This process left behind a kind of mold. Archaeologists filled in the hollows with plaster, revealing in grim detail the death pose of Vesuvius’ victims.  How cool is that, eh?



The rest of the city remains likewise frozen in time.  Ordinary objects tell the story of everyday life.  This is as valuable to archaeologists as the great unearthed statues and frescoes. The first human remains were found at Herculaneum in 1982.  Hundreds of skeletons bear ghastly burn marks, testifying to horrifying deaths.



Today, Mount Vesuvius is the only active volcano on the European mainland.  The last eruption was in 1944.  The last major eruption occurred in 1631.  Another will almost certainly happen soon, a devastating event for many living in the “death zones” nearby.



Word to the wise: Get out while you can!



Not Vesuvis, but San Diego
Last known photo of revelers prior to eruption.  Oh, no, wait, sorry:  This was last night @Baja.Rockin’.Lobster in San Diego.


For those of you who subscribe to my linguist-daughter-in-China’s blog  – okatherinemykatherine – this will come as a repeat. For the rest of you, enjoy. Her comment when I asked if it was OK to post this:  “Go for it – I’m all for growing an audience that doesn’t care if I only post once every two years.” My reply: “I’m all for growing an audience reading other people’s stuff that I find interesting.”

In Which the Gap between Test Results and Actual Ability is an Overwhelming Industrial Meltdown

In Which the Gap between Test Results and Actual Ability is an Overwhelming Industrial Meltdown


Thanks, Kate!


The webmaster and me.

My apologies to all commenters whose comments previously were not getting through. This, from the webmaster (AKA  Ben Wolf) – “Fixed now – one of the security plugins was being a bit too aggressive and tossing them. I’ve changed that filter and restored 3 comments that had been blocked. Looks like it’s working properly now” – and a pledge from me to do better going forward.

Oh, and also, a Rabbi/Priest joke (courtesy of WhyEvolutionIsTrue) in honor of National Bacon Lovers Day today.

Feel free to comment!

A priest and a rabbi were, by coincidence, sitting next to each other on a long flight.

About an hour passes and not a single word was exchanged by the two men. Finally, the priest turns to the rabbi and says, “Rabbi, do you mind if I ask you a personal question”? The rabbi said, “Of course you may.”

“I understand that many of you Jewish people, especially rabbis, keep kosher and, as such, don’t eat things like bacon or ham”. The rabbi acknowledged that. “Haven’t you ever even tasted bacon or ham?”, asked the priest.

The Rabbi explained, “Many years ago, I was a visiting rabbi in a small town in the middle of nowhere and found myself in a diner one Sunday morning. There was no one around so I ordered bacon and eggs. It was quite good but that was the only time that ever happened.”

After some time, the rabbi turned to the priest and said, “Father, do you mind if you ask you a very personal question”? The Priest said, “okay.”

“You priests take an oath of celibacy, right”?, asked the Rabbi. “Why, yes”, answered the priest, wondering where this was going.

“Well, haven’t you ever had sex since you’ve become as priest”?, asked the rabbi. The priest looked about nervously, leaned toward the rabbi and answered very softly, “Well, as a young parishioner I once met a lovely woman who was much taken with me.  One thing led to another and, well, I wound up having sex with her. But that’s the only time it ever happened.”

A few moments pass and the rabbi leans over to the priest and says, “A lot better than bacon, isn’t it?”


On this day in 1909, the first race is held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It is now the home of the world’s most famous motor racing competition, the Indianapolis 500.


Built on 328 acres of farmland five miles northwest of Indianapolis, Indiana, the speedway was started by local businessmen as a testing facility for Indiana’s growing automobile industry. The idea was that occasional races at the track would pit cars from different manufacturers against each other. After seeing what these cars could do, spectators would presumably head down to the showroom of their choice to get a closer look.

The rectangular two-and-a-half-mile track linked four turns, each exactly 440 yards from start to finish, by two long and two short straight sections. In that first five-mile race on August 19, 1909, 12,000 spectators watched Austrian engineer Louis Schwitzer win with an average speed of 57.4 miles per hour. The track’s surface of crushed rock and tar proved a disaster.  It broke up and caused the deaths of two drivers, two mechanics and two spectators.

The surface was soon replaced with 3.2 million paving bricks, laid in a bed of sand and fixed with mortar. Dubbed “The Brickyard,” the speedway reopened in December 1909. In 1911, low attendance led the track’s owners to make a crucial decision. Instead of shorter races, they resolved to focus on a single, longer event each year, for a much larger prize. That May 30 marked the debut of the Indy 500. It was a grueling 500-mile race that was an immediate hit with audiences and drew press attention from all over the country. Driver Ray Haroun won the purse of $14,250, with an average speed of 74.59 mph and a total time of 6 hours and 42 minutes.

Since 1911, the Indianapolis 500 has been held every year, with the exception of 1917-18 and 1942-45, when the United States was involved in the two world wars. With an average crowd of 400,000, the Indy 500 is the best-attended event in U.S. sports. In 1936, asphalt was used for the first time to cover the rougher parts of the track. By 1941 most of the track was paved. The last of the speedway’s original bricks were covered in 1961, except for a three-foot line of bricks left exposed at the start-finish line as a nostalgic reminder of the track’s history.