Virtue Signaling

For the first time since before the pandemic, Tax Day is upon us more or less right on schedule here in mid-April. Before you go and indulge in any ** virtue signaling ** by saying you’ve already done your taxes and have long since spent your refund, know this: I haven’t. But if you, like me, are a habitual tax procrastinator, also know this: You can rest easy, because Friday is a holiday – at least for DC residents (see the details here) – and that means IRS offices are closed. It also means we all have until next Monday to finish without filing an extension. (Note: Since state taxes are dependent on the feds, those are also due on the 18th this year.) That’s good news for the un-virtuous among us. And for the rest of y’all? Well, I hope you did something fun with your refund.



Virtue Signaling and Tax Prep

“I’ve come full circle in my procrastination loop and ended up doing my taxes to avoid working out.”


Happy Emancipation Day!


** Generally a pejorative term, “virtue signaling” is the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s superior character and/or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.

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